Chapter 10

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I was steaming when Donghae left. How dare he come and yell at me? He should know better than to doubt my feelings, especially when they're so obvious. How can someone be so stupid to not realize that a person's falling for them? I ATE SEAFOOD FOR HIS DUMB SELF. UGH. 

I sat down, trying to calm down before I did something irrational. I started to think things through, that way I could go to his room and end this whole mess before it ruins our "friend"ship. 

Maybe I was wrong for saying it was just a New Year's kiss, when I knew it was more than that, then again we both agreed to not let anyone know about what was going on with us, not yet- nothing was definite between us. 

Well, if wanted to he could have made things clear with the guys and tell them exactly what was going on if what I said bothered him so much, but then we would have been teased and it wouldn't be the same. 

I decided I was right and he was wrong. He should know better than to make assumptions of my feelings, they're so in his face. He shouldn't have barged into my room like that, so out of line. 



I walked back into my room and slammed on my bed. I sunk my face into my pillow and yelled. 

"What's wrong with you?" Sungmin looked up from a book he was reading.

I didn't answer him, I needed to calm down before I said anything I didn't mean.

I can't believe Penny only thought of it as a New Year's kiss. Seriously? After all the flirting and sneaking around she kissed me because it was a stupid tradition? Okay, wow. I had every right to yell at her...didn't I? Maybe she didn't mean what she said and only did so to keep our "thing" a secret. Nah. She totally meant it. Now that I think about it I've seen her getting pretty close to Ryeowook lately. SHE'S TOTALLY SNEAKING AROUND WITH HIM TOO! 

Wait, I'm quickly jumping to assumptions. She's doesn't seem to be that type of person, she's better than that. I would hope, at least. 

I kept over thinking the situation, jumping to different conclusions that didn't even make sense because I had no proof.

I decided that I was right. She could have just answered them with the truth about us, I wouldn't have had a problem with it, but then the guys would make our lives hell. Nope, I was still right and she was wrong. 

I finally sat up to find Sungmin staring at me, "You done with your tantrum?" 

"How do you know when a girl likes you?" 

He stared at me for a long while and shrugged. 

"You just kind of feel the chemistry." 

"No, I mean, what are some signs?" 

"Well, she'll always smile when she's around you. She'll find your jokes funny even when they're not, she'll try new things just because she knows you like them, she'll be protective of you, she'll be honest with you, and most importantly, she won't wear any makeup, fix her hair and she'll wear sweats. That's how you know she's comfortable around you and she feels confident in front of you," Sungmin smiled, "are you asking this because of that girl you like?" 

"Yeah, actually." 

"But wait, you kissed Penny. Won't that affect that relationship?" 

Sungmin was legitimately worried, made me want to tell him everything. He's so sweet, even if he ticks me off sometimes. 

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