Alternate Universe (BONUS)

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Sup, my dear little kitty cats, this is zee author (more like Au-she doesn't even update fast enough and completely forgets the storyline-thor, am I right?) Hahaha, AHEM. Recently, I updated this story, and let it simmer over night. I checked it in the morning...and HOLY SHIT. It hit 100K reads. I had a heart attack (yes I'm now updating from the afterlife, great wifi, btw). But, I thought I would thank you guys with this little surprise bonus chapter. :) For this chapter, I must prepare you. This is an idea that came up to me a few weeks ago, and I'd been dying to publish it, and here's my chance. This is a small little scenario of what would have happened if Penny had fallen for Henry instead. Who did that leave Dani with...I hope you enjoy this little alternate universe, even if it's just for a little bit. And yes, it's actually still part of the story. As in, it DID happen. Read away. 


"Penny~" Henry sang. "Try this!" 

Penelope got up from the couch, eyes still glued to her phone. She knew her way around the dorm all too well, and made it safely to the counter next to her boyfriend, not even glancing away from the bright screen. 

"Yes, mochi?" 

"Put the phone down," he said calmly. 

"But I'm texting Dani!" she whined.

He grabbed the phone from her hands gently, "I'm sure she can wait, baby. I think Ryeowook would appreciate it if you would stop texting her. They're celebrating their six month anniversary, aren't they?" 

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I'm not in their relationship." 

"All the more reason to be paying attention to ours," he blinked. "Here, try this." 

"What's this?" she tilted her head. 

"I made it for you," he beamed. "Your favorite, right? Enchiladas?" 

Penny gasped, "Henry! You made me enchiladas?!" 

He bobbed his head happily at her excited reaction. "Yeah! I wanted to surprise you know what day it is today?" 

"....It's Wednesday!" she exclaimed. 

"It's HUMP day!" 

"Woot, woot!" 

They shared a small laugh. It was the first time they'd been alone in a long time. Ryeowook and Dani always wanted to go out on double dates since they had become a thing. Not only that, but Zhou Mi had made himself a perpetual third wheel for the two. They didn't mind, but it was nice to finally be alone and enjoy each other fully. 

"I hope I made them right. I tried my very best for you," he slipped the plate towards her. "Give me your honest opinion. I need to be prepared for the show." 

She nodded, "Of course. They smell delicious already."

Cutting a piece off the enchilada with her fork, she blew on it, then took the bite. Henry stared her down in agony, not sure what the expression on her face was. Was she disappointed that it was so awful it disgraced her culture? Or did she think she could marry the young man then and there it was so delightful? 

"Well...?" Henry gulped. 

"Something's missing," she finally answered. 

He tried his best not to show his discouragement. Penny took note of it, and pecked his cheek. 

"I'm not saying it's bad," she giggled. "It's just missing some horchata!" 

"So is it bad or not?" he pressed. 

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