Dani & Penny Interruption (fun quiz)

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Hi guys this is Penny & Dani!!! Dani's ignoring me for tumblr right now, but I decided to do a little game. Write all thirteen members of Super Junior down. In any order you want. <3 Do it now!!! 

1. _______________ is your older brother who hates your current boyfriend, but buys you everything you want. 

2. ______________ is your mortal enemy who puked on you at a party on purpose. 

3. _____________ is your best friend who has a secret crush on you!

4. _____________ is your hot teacher who always checks you out. 

5._____________ is someone you would name Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez. 

6. ____________ is someone who forced you to watch every episode of Boy Over Flowers with him. 

7. ____________ gets drunk and confesses their love to you. 

8. ____________ beats you up everyday. 

9. ____________ the love of your life who wrote you a song (stalks you on the internet).

10. ___________ father figure who treats you like a fucking baby. 

11. __________ your best friend's brother who hates you. 

12. __________ takes you on a shopping trip once a week. 

13. __________ takes infinite selfies with you. 

I know it isn't as fun  as you thought it would be, but we've been drinking a little bit. And we couldn't think of fun stuff. 

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