Chapter 18

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I opened the door to the dorm, expecting the guys to still be at rehearsal. 

"Hey Penny~" 

So much for taking a long bath

"Hey Wookie." 

Yesung, Eunhyuk, Shindong, Leeteuk, and Ryeowook were crowded around the kitchen counter, choosing a dish for dinner. I quietly took my backpack to my room, changing into something a bit more comfortable. I put on my basketball shorts, an old vneck, walking to the kitchen barefoot. I wasn't planning on going out anywhere. 

"Ah, Penny. I was hoping to catch you in a dress again!" Leeteuk took notice of my extremely casual look, and frowned. 

"I'm glad you're so comfortable around us now, you're even walking barefoot!"

"As long as her feet don't smell like yours, we won't have a problem, Eunhyuk." Yesung laughed. 

Ryeowook handed me an apron.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I realized over half of them were missing. 

"They wanted to play some soccer, they should be back in a little while. I don't think they'll last much longer." Shindong must have been imagining them, and started chuckling. 

Ryeowook and I started cooking, as the rest of the guys went to the living room to play Fifa. 

"So, how do you like Kyuhyun?" 

"What? What are you talking about?" 

Ryeowook smirked, "Penny, you know exactly what I mean. He's been so sweet to you with all the Donghae stuff, and you two have been sharing moments alone."

"You mean you saw....last night." 

"Yep. I was opening the door to go back to sleep, but I noticed you guys were dancing quite closely so I backed away. Who do you think kept the guys away from the dorm for so long? You two didn't even look up." 

I blushed, thinking back at that moment. 

"I also see Kyuhyun looking at you differently, he just started to yesterday when you put on that dress. Oh and all that fake flirting he did with you in front of Donghae, it had a lot of hidden truths. Now that I look at it, you've been gazing his way more often." 

"I...uh. He's become easier to get along with." I admitted. 

"Pen, you can tell me anything." 

"I know, I know. But, you know, I'm not fully over the whole Donghae business. He doesn't even look at me anymore, keeps avoiding me." I didn't see him in the morning, he probably got out of his room right after I left with Sungmin and Yesung. 

"Look, Penny, Donghae's an idiot. He never listens to you." 

"If he doesn't listen to me why's he back with his ex?" 

"He's back with her, yes, but he doesn't know why you wanted him to. I'm sure if he knew why he wouldn't be bringing her back around you, making a scene. If he knew, he'd be doing it privately."

Ryewook had a strong point, I surrendered with silence.

"There wouldn't be anything wrong if you were to try something with Kyuhyun. Donghae's back with his ex, you're a free spirit. The only thing that's stopping you is you. If you really like Kyuhyun, don't beat around the bush and do something about it." 

"I like him, but not as much as Donghae..." 

"OMO, STOP WITH THAT STUPID FISHIE. You haven't spent as much time with Kyuhyun as you did with Donghae, thus the emotions aren't as strong." Ryeowook pushed.

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