Chapter 48

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I stayed silent, eyes down. I was sitting on the counter, while Kyuhyun examined my injuries. I winced to the firm touch of his hands. 

"Hold still," he ordered. His hands were traveling down my arms, and to my legs.

"I can do that myself," I pushed him away. 

"I'm not trying to molest you. I'm making sure nothing's fractured. But if you want to do it yourself, go ahead." 

I tried to bend over, but the pain in my stomach remained. I held my breath, knowing that if I went any further, I'd fall over. Kyuhyun sighed, and continued check my legs. We arrived to an empty dorm, granted it was hardly noon. Which was fine by me. I didn't want to talk to anyone. 

He left me for a few seconds, and went to the cabinet where the first aid kit was. I got distracted watching Gus roll around on the floor. I was instantly jealous that he could move his limbs without a bother. Kyuhyun walked back holding a box. He set it to the side, grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and poured a small amount onto a cotton ball.

"This is going to hurt," he warned. He lifted my chin with his finger, and dabbed the small cut on my cheek. 

"Ah~" I groaned.

"Don't worry, it's not that bad. You only have a couple of other scratches, and the rest are just bruises." 

"You think I'll live?" 

"Cases like these are rare. You probably won't live past twenty," his face was serious. He gently patted the alcohol into the cut. 

I cringed, "I'm twenty-two." 

"You're a miracle of a woman!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. 

I grinned, ignoring the stinging. 

"Finally, a smile! You have been frowning the whole time!" Kyuhyun turned my head slightly, dabbing the remaining scratches. 

 "This isn't necessarily something I would celebrate." 

"I know. I'm sorry," he put up all the items he had used. 

"Why are you sorry? It's not like you told them to beat me up," I shrugged.

Even that hurt. Can't believe my freedom of body expression's on hold. The nerve of those girls! 

He jumped on the counter next to me, "But it's because of me that all of this happened." 

"You just have some very devoted fans that will do anything for you. You're a loved guy, Kyu," I smiled. 

"Not by the right women," he mumbled. 

"Don't worry! Your mom loves you, your sister loves you, your laptop loves you!  You have plenty of other women who love you," I assured him. 

He faced me, "You don't have to put this act for me." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"I know you want to cry." 

"No I don't," I muttered.

"Penelope, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It's okay if you cry. We're alone." 

I exhaled slowly. He placed his hand on top of mine, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. It was comforting enough to put my guard down. Tears ran down my cheeks, dropping to my legs. It felt good, letting everything out.

"I just don't understand how they can hate me so much. I know you mean a lot to them, and it sucks knowing that I'm living their dream, but it's not my fault. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not stealing, cheating, killing, nothing like that. Why do I get beat up? Maybe it's because I'm not good enough to be seen with you," I sniffed. "You're this amazing, talented guy. You play the piano beautifully, you have the voice of an angel, you're charming, funny, and handsome. All I am is a small, talentless girl." 

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