Chapter 19

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"So, what made you change your mind?" Sungmin was bouncing on his bed joyfully. 

"That moment, when I saw her smile, I couldn't think of anything else, because it didn't matter. At that moment all I wanted to do was go to her room, watch Sailor Moon and hold her tightly. I just want to know why she would want me to date my ex." 

"Well, we're about to find out, aren't we?" 

Sungmin had been hanging out with Kyuhyun so much, he had mimicked the evil smile perfectly. He walked out of our room, to Penny's room, while I went around the dorm looking for the rest of the guys. They were all in the living room, lounging around and watching whatever was on the television, meaning Penny was in her room. 

"I would totally buy that." 

"Eunhyuk, why would you want to ride a fake mechanical horse in the comfort of your own home?"

"You said it, Heechul hyung. IT WILL BE IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME. It will be like having a pony, finally." 

I casually joined them, sitting next to Eunhyuk. 

"Ace Power, eh? Could products get any more suggestive?" 

"Don't tell me you wouldn't want one...say it without blinking!" 

"Hyukie, I would buy one just for you to be happy, not for me." 

Eunhyuk was satisfied with my answer, nodding as if I was really going to buy it. They all looked bored, except Henry, somehow he always finds ways to keep himself entertained. I felt Kyuhyun's stare, I couldn't tell if he was angry or sad, the look was full of unsettling emotions. 

"Hey Ryeowook, can I talk to you?" 

Ryeowook got up, aiming towards the kitchen.

"Somewhere a bit more private, would be better." 

He knew what subject I was referring to and walked to his room instead. 

"What is it now?" He crossed his arms, seemingly annoyed.

"Can you help me get the guys out the dorm? I need to talk to Penny." 

"Talk to her about what? I don't understand you, Donghae. One minute you're all over her, then you don't, oh but then you do. And it isn't as if it's in a matter of months, it has only been over the span of three days. Why don't you talk to her when she wants to talk to you? Hm? You don't listen, get angry and walk off."

"I...look. The past two days I've been trying to forget about her, avoiding her, ignoring her. A few minutes ago, while we were playing school of fish, when I saw her squirming around like the delightful dork that she is, I realized so many things. It brought me back to when I first met her months ago. My stomach felt warm, my heart full. I couldn't think of anything else, but her. I had an epiphany. Her smile, the nervous, cheeky smile, it reminded me how great we were. I honestly can say I've never been really connected to anyone like that. From the moment I met her, she was so genuine and kind. She wasn't afraid of rolling on the ground and squirming around with me. She was comfortable enough to show herself, even if she was a little shy." 

"Hae, how do I know you won't change your mind, again? You've changed it so much this past weekend, it'd be crazy if  you didn't change it one more time." 

I sighed, "Ryeowook, if you don't help me, it won't cause much of a disturbance. I have other means..." 

"Fine, I'll do it, but this time you HAVE to listen to what she says. A conversation involves a bit of listening. How long do you need the guys to be away?" 

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