Chapter 51

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"Wow, this place is perfect," I gasped. 

Henry and I had taken a quick trip to the aquarium. It was huge enough to fit at least six whales. Alright, maybe not six whales, but maybe a couple of buses. We had a small tour soon after it was closed.  There were several different exhibitions, for all the different types of fish, and other sea life. The water reflected on the smooth floor. The blue colored every inch of what little walls there were. 

"I'm glad you like it. Do you know how many calls I had to make? How many strings I had to pull?" Henry tapped his foot like an angry mother.

"How many?" 

"Actually the owner of the aquarium's daughter is a fan of mine. I signed her album and took a picture with her," he shrugged.

"So you only had to pull a 'string'," I joked. 

Henry laughed, "Yeah, whatever. What do you want this for anyway?" 


"Obviously, but why?" 

"He's been a little down, and I don't like to see his bright spirit so dark. I thought I'd cheer him up just a little." 

"But renting out a whole aquarium? At night? For hours?" He shrieked.

"Yeah...I had an idea," I winked.

Henry crossed his arms, "Alone? You two? No, I'm not ready to be an uncle."

"Ah! You have a dirty mind!"

"What happened last time you two were left alone? HM?!"

"We watched Sailor Moon!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that show rated M, for MATURE?!"


"Don't you dare start, Penelope. I know there's nudity in that anime."

"How would you know?!" I scoffed.

"A...friend. Yeah, a friend. They, uh, told me all about it," he stuttered. "Anyway, he gave me the key. Make sure to be out of here by six AM, that's when the janitors come in to clean."

I nodded, "Got it."

"You two should be completely alone. The owner said every employee would be out of here by the time it closed. So we should be alone now," he turned his head from side to side, checking around the corners. "Yup. Alone."

"Great! Thanks, a ton!"

"You're welcome, Penny! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to meet up with Krystal pretty soon," he handed me the key to the building. 


"Top secret!"

"You won't even tell me?" I frowned.

"I can't..." he sighed. 

No wonder Dani was feeling the way she was. What kind of guy keeps whatever he is doing with another girl a secret? 

"Don't worry, nothing you wouldn't be proud of," he smiled. 

That must be a good thing. I trusted Henry's judgement completely. He was a sweet guy with good instincts. Danielle had nothing to worry about. 

"I'll be going," he started to walk away. 

I joined him,"Let's leave together!" 

"Aren't you staying?"

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