Chapter 41

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", si, si. Pero-..Okay, si. No, no no no!" 

Penny paced around the small hotel room, phone held to her ear. She woke me up from my adventures in dreamland sooner than I expected. Luckily, she was filled with energy, which in turn gave her some courage. Enough to call my mom immediately. She hadn't been able to get past the first sentence without my mom yelling through the phone. My mom was not a happy camper. 

"Tia! Porfavor! Yo le voy a dar de comer, la voy a sacar a caminar, la voy a bañar, le voy a limpiar su cochinero...PERO...Si? REALLY? Si!" 

Apparently telling my mom she was going to treat me like a dog did the trick. She switched the phone off, a huge smile appeared on her face. 

"How much longer can I stay?" Hopefully two more weeks, but that would be too much to ask for. 

Penny walked over to me, and draped her arm around my neck. "Dani, how would you like to finish school here?" 


"I'll tutor you for about a month, we'll go back to the states for a few days, and you'll take a test to get your GED."

"Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?" 

"I made a deal with your mom. You could stay as long as I could handle you, if you finished school and if I could take care of you.  So now's our chance! You'll have to study really hard, and then you can take the test, and pass. VOILA, You won't have to go back after you pass that test," she grinned.

 My jaw dropped, "What do you mean I won't have to go back? Like EVER?" 

"Of course you can go back and visit, but I just pretty much adopted you." 

"How in the hell did that happen?" 

"Well, when I called your mom a few days when you had arrived we had a good conversation. She actually complimented me on being a total badass and making it on my own. She's pretty excited for you, this being a whole new adventure for you.  Again, just as long as I can handle and take care of you. So please, make it easy on me!" She pleaded with her hands.

"I've been pretty good these few days, right?" 

She nodded, "Let's try to keep it that way." 

The excitement took a few seconds to settle into both of us. Neither of us could believe that I was now her sidekick, we were in it together. 


Penny held up her finger, "I have to leave for a couple of days. I need to get all your paper work from the high school, your important documents." 

"I can't go?" 

"Do you want to go?" 

"Nah, I'll chill here till you get back," I smiled. "Sooo, I'll be living at the hotel, or what?" 

She groaned, "Oooooh, I can't let you live there forever. Why didn't I think things through?" 

"Cause you never do." 

"That was very helpful, thanks." 

"What if we get a place of our own? You can move out from the dorm, and we can find a nice apartment." 

Penelope's frowned at the thought of leaving the guys. I guess she was closer to them than I thought. 

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