Daredevil KyuDaddy (benni3)

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Kyuhyun looked nervous, on the verge of a panic attack actually. Never in the six years of knowing Penny had he seen her so pissed at him. Like ever. Well except during the other hospital visit.

“You….You did this to me, you piece of shit!” she bellowed, her face red, sweat beads rolling off her temples.

“Sorry wouldn’t suffice would it?” he tried. 

“It didn’t work the first time, why would it work the second time?” her breathing hitched with another contraction. “Please, please, go get me some ice.”

No other words had to be said, he needed a break and he needed it quick. He dashed out the room without hesitation. Taking his time getting a cupful of ice, he also decided to check the waiting area. Just in case…

“How’s she doing?!” Dani jumped out of her seat. 

Zhou Mi, Yesung, and Ryeowook anxiously awaited his response. 

“She hates me,” he responded. 

Ryeowook nodded, “she always has.” 

“Daddy~” little Hank let go of Sungmin’s hand and ran to Kyuhyun. 

He happily embraced him, lifting him up in his arms. “Did you eat yet?” 

“Mmhhmm,” the three year old bounced. “Where’s mommy?” 

“She’s having a good time,” he blatantly lied. The kid didn’t have to know the definition of what a “good time” was. 

“Can I go see her?” 

They left their comrades in the same state they had been – irritated, and wanting the baby to be born already. 

“It took you long enough, Jesus Christ!” 

“Mommy, who’s Jesus Christ?” 

“A friend- Your uncle actually. His name is Jesus, we call him Chuy,” Penny answered nonchalantly. Not like she was popping out a seven pound baby or anything. “You want to come lay here with me?” 


She opened up her arms invitingly, letting him settle in a tiny spot next to her. “You ate right?” 

“Uncle Sungmin and Henry took me out for some ice cream,” Hank babbled. 

“I’m so going to kick their ass,” Kyuhyun muttered. “It’s like they’ve never had kids before.” 

“Didn’t you take out their kids and Hank out to a candy shop at like ten in the morning?” his wife reminded him. “Not much of a difference. We’re all equally bad parents.” 

“By bad you definitely mean FUN.” 

“Mommy, do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl yet?” 

“Nope, we’ll see when the baby  gets out.” 

“How is it going to get out? Like I did?” he looked up at his mom full of curiousity. 

“Yeah, just like that – OH MY FUUU-“ she couldn’t finish her sentence, the next contraction filled her attention. 

Kyuyun took Hank from her side, and with his free hand, grabbed hers so she had something to hold on to. The back of her knuckles turned white, her face redder than before, and their son clearly not amazed by the sight would much rather stare at the intricate design on the wallpaper. And to be fair, it was pretty cool. 

“I think the baby’s on the way…it’d be best if you took your son out,” the nurse suggested. “I’ll take him to the waiting area.” 

Once completely alone in the room, save the doctor, the couple tensed a bit more. They had their second baby on the way, and they weren’t ready to be parents for the second time. Hell, they weren’t even used to being parents of a three year old boy. 

They had both chosen to keep their baby’s gender a surprise, like they had with Hank’s, just to keep it a little exciting. Honestly, Penelope was really hoping for another boy, whereas Kyuhyun really wanted a daughter. 

“I know this may not be the best time to say this, but you want to make another one?” 

“You’re fucking unbelievable,” Penny clutched his hand harder. “I’d be happy to make another one, but the next time it’s your turn to give birth.” 

“Like giving birth is THAT hard…” Kyuhyun dared to go there. 

Penelope looked at him as if he had really dared to go there. Why was Kyuhyun such a daredevil to test a woman during childbirth? The world would never know. 

This is my submission to my own contest, because there was literally ONE submission, and that made me pretty fucking happy, but I was hoping you guys would actually do this like you had participated in the past, but I can't be too greedy. I decided to write one obviously over  500 words, and that's all you're getting. 

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