Penny's Interruption (MUST READ)

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Hey guys, or girls (no hate). It is I, Penny! I'm completely breaking the fourth wall right now, talking out of the story, BUT fuck the rules. Who said the main character can't acknowledge the readers who know all about her life? Not that I think you guys are creepers or anything...hehehehe. 

ANYWAY, my dear friend Henry asked me for some help. As you know, he planned my cousin's prom. And as we all know, every prom has a queen and king. There's a ballroom full of people holding ballots, and you're one of them! (Imagine you're sitting next to your bias right now, STOP HYPERVENTILATING!) 

Seoul's Prom King & Queen Nominees: 

Prom Queen                            Prom King

Jessica Jung                            Henry Lau 

Ariana Danielle Garcia          Lee Donghae 

Penelope Garcia                    Cho Kyuhyun 

Now, you can only choose one of each (obviously), and they can be paired with WHOEVER you want. Just choose your favorite out of each list. Even if it isn't me (sad face). How do you submit your vote? Send your vote by message to benni3, the author! Please don't leave it as a comment below, that way no one knows who's getting the most votes. Only one vote per person. The future of our night is in your hands! Do I win? Does my fatass cousin? Does the evil Jung sister? Who will be king? It's all up to YOU!  

Choose wisely, but don't take so long, cause it seems your date is getting a little impatient! Good choice, by the way -wink-  I have to go now, Kyuhyun's waiting for me with a glass full of red wine!  But please, leave me a comment below letting me know who your date is! And the color of your dress! Isn't this a nice party full of celebrities? Hehe. See you when they announce the winner~ 


NOTICE: There is a deadline! All votes must be sent by message to my account by Thursday, August 29th, 2013, at 12:00 PM, US Central Time. (I'll reply to you, letting you know your vote has been counted!) That way I can write the chapter sooner, and get it published sooner for you all to read! I have the chapter written a little over halfway, but I don't know who's going to win, because I'm leaving the fate of it to you all, my readers. 

Have fun! Hopefully this idea works out, then maybe we can have more interactive chapters! Remember, you're a part of the prom too! ^^;   

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