Chapter 52

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I woke up to Penny and Henry's laughter. I rubbed my eyes, sat up. They were in the kitchen sharing  a bowl of ramen. 

"I never thought of that!" Penny chuckled. "That's pretty smart." 

"I am short of a genius," Henry smirked. 

I shuffled my feet to join them. They both turned their heads at the sight of me, and quickly hushed their conversation. 

"Good morning, hyung," Henry scooted away from Penny.

Penny bounced to my side, and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, Hae~" 

"A good morning to you," I pecked her nose in return. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Very well. I had an awesome pillow," she winked. "You?" 

"Same! I had an awesome teddy to cuddle with." 

Henry cringed, "That's disgusting." 

"You're disgusting," Penny stuck out her tongue.

 Danielle and Zhou Mi skipped out of the hallway smiling, then stopped at the sight of Penelope and I. 

"When did you two get here?" Zhou Mi asked.

"And why?" Danielle added.

Her Korean was definitely improving. She was actually able to hold small conversations with us, and she understood a large amount of what we were saying. 

"We got kicked out," Penny shrugged.

"WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?" Zhou Mi yelled.

"We were just a little late! We lost track of time," she fidgeted with her fingers. 

"Why did you bring her home so late? You know better than that!" He faced to shout at me. 

She stood between us, "It was really MY fault." 

"It was?" He lowered his voice.

"Yeah. I planned everything, really." 

"Is that why you're not next door eating actual food? Cause you're a little afraid?" 

"ZHOU MI! OF COURSE NOT!" She defended. 

Zhou Mi crossed his arms.

"What if I get grounded?! He could lock me in my room, put bars and chains on it! Maybe even throw me in a dungeon! OH MY GOD. HE'S GOING TO SEND ME BACK TO THE STATES. I'M GOING TO BE DEPORTED!" She cracked. 

Henry chuckled, "The fear of every Mexican." 

"You racist!" 

"You want to talk about racist, Penny? Hm?! Calling me 'dumpling', 'wonton', 'egg roll', 'sushi'! I'm not even Japanese! Would you like it if I called you 'burrito'? 'Taco', 'enchilada'?!" 

"You do!" 

"Name one time..." 

"Remember a while ago when you were teaching me how to pop, lock, and drop it? It was late at night, and you got mad at me because I told you you needed to shower. I was just kindly reminding you, you snapped, and called me a taco! A FREAKING TACO!" 

"That's a lie! I taught you how to pop, but I never taught you how to lock and drop it!" 

Danielle, Zhou Mi, and I rolled our eyes in unison. Those two could go on for hours. 

Penny nodded, "That's right. MY BAD, HOMIE." 

"It's cool." 

"Wait a minute! You let HIM teach you how to dance instead of me?!" 

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