Chapter 67

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"You love me?" I asked breathless. "Kyuhyun, are you drunk?" 

"No," he kissed me again. 

That time softer. He pecked me time and time again. My lips tingled, my skin crawled, my stomach was all so quick. The only thing that kept me on my feet was the wall behind me. 

"I love you so much, Penelope," he breathed between the kisses. 

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I managed to whisper. 

"I love you," he repeated. 

"Why? Why? WHY? Why would you say that? Why?" I was going to lose my shit. 

Kyuhyun stared at me, scared almost. "Is there something wrong with that?" 

"Everything is wrong with that. Everything," my body began to tingle, making my hands start to shake. Yeah, my shit was lost. 

"It's wrong for me to love you?" he looked so hurt, so offended...

"No!" I waved my hands, "no! No, no, no! It's- I- it's just- we- uh- I-" 

"Then what is it?" the frown on his face sank lower. 

"You scared the shit out of me, okay? I wasn't expecting to EVER hear those words come out of your mouth, not to me," I spewed. "Can't you at least  hint me that you're in love with me? Hey Penelope, I think you look swell today, how about I tell you everything I like about you? Or Golly, Miss Piggy, I think you're a fox, and I sure do love foxes! Something! Anything! But NOOOOOOOO, you had to flirt with Seohyun loud enough for me to hear, within my peripheral vision, ignore me the entire fucking time, then come and romantically kiss me in the elevator, and tell me you love me! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" 

"What the hell did you want me to do when you were backstage talking about who would be next out of Super Junior to date you after we broke up? I know it was all fun and games, but it really gets me thinking! If you could do it with Donghae, why on Earth wouldn't you do it to me? Hm? I think about it all the time! You and Yesung seem to be pretty close!" 

"Do you really think I'm capable of leaving you for Yesung? Or any of them? Really?" 

"You and Siwon seemed to be getting along pretty well tonight!" 

"TO GET BACK AT YOU!" I shoved his shoulder lightly. "Don't try changing the subject, mister.  You suddenly love me? Where is that all coming from?" 

"My heart," he said simply. 

"Ugh, I hate you!" 

"You do?" 

"At this moment in time, yes, I do," I groaned in frustration. "I don't know how you manage to stress me out more than anyone else in my life, but you do it with such ease, it scares me." 

He backed away, "that's not what scares you, it's not." 


"Penelope, I realize you're scared because you just heard your boyfriend confess his love for you, out of the blue," he shook his head. "I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry. It was selfish of me." 

"Selfish?" I was in such a state of shock that I could only manage one word responses. 

"Selfish because this is what I needed, felt I needed to do. I just really wanted to kiss you and tell you that. I wasn't thinking about you, if you really wanted, needed to hear that." 

"You don't know what I want in my life..." 

"Clearly not this," he turned away. "Listen, you don't have to say it back." 

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