Chapter 59

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I sat criss cross on the chair, sipping on some hot tea. Kyuhyun sat next to me, slurping the hot noodles. I took note of how his jaw flexed with each bite, how his cheeks became full, making him look like a chipmunk. How his lips were scrunched up into a pout, how happy he looked to be eating. 

"What are you staring at?! Why aren't you eating the delicious ramen I cooked for you? I slaved over the stove," he angrily put down the chopsticks. 

"It took you like seven minutes to make it," I laughed.  

"More than you've done! All you did was dance and sing out of key," he glared. 

"No, I was singing out of my heart, for you, with passion. But thanks for noticing, you egotistical child." 

"Please, don't sing to me anymore." 

"But...what if I wanted to sing a sweet and romantic song?" 

"Give me the name and I'll look it up on Youtube." 

"You would rather have someone else sing it to you than me? How rude." 

"Hey, call it what you will, but at least they'll be singing in tune," he picked up some noodles. "Say 'ah'~" 

"Ah~" I opened my mouth. 

He took the chopsticks to my mouth, and just as they were reaching my lips, he snatched them back into his mouth. 

"Mmmmm, I'm such a good cook," he swallowed. "Any girl would be SOOO lucky to be with me." 

"I feel so bad for the unfortunate soul," I wailed. "My heart weeps for her." 

He gasped overdramatically, clutching his chest. "Too bad she's in denial of the monumental man she's with." 

"Monumental? PFT," I rolled my eyes. "You're just lucky enough to have a found a girl at all." 

"I have a waiting list full of girls wanting to be with me, I'll have you know." 

"I know. I've seen them in magazines," I nodded. 

"See?  I'm a wanted man, by some cover girls," he grinned.

"They weren't really on the cover..." 

"Was it Yoona? Seohyun? Tiffany? That's usually who I'm paired up with," he waved his hand nonchalantly, ignoring my words.

"Oh. No. I was flipping through the pages and there was an article about the new laptops Samsung and Toshiba were coming out with," I smirked. "They're pretty hot stuff." 

He smacked my thigh, "When are you going to stop overusing that joke? It's always something about me 'being in love with a laptop'. I get it. WE ALL GET IT, MISS PIGGY." 

I pouted, "But it's true. That's ALL you do." 

"Not true. I did you," he smirked. 

I threw my hands up in frustration, "YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE." 

He chuckled, "Here, try some noodles." 

Kyuhyun tried to feed me the noodles again, chopsticks already in his hand. I snatched them away quickly. 

"I can do it myself," I growled. 

"I am woman, hear me roar," he smiled, shaking his head, amused with me. 

Stirring the noodles, I made sure to blow on them to cool them off. When I was sure they weren't scalding, I put a good chunk in my mouth.They were actually quite delicious. I don't know what Kyuhyun had added to the isntant ramen mix, but it tasted completely different, in an amazing way. I tried to keep my face expressionless, he wasn't going to have something else to gloat about. Not on my watch.

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