Chapter 69 (hehe)

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"That was like the best nap ever," I mumbled to myself, stretching to wake me up from it. "I should become a professional napper, that was intense." 

"At least you napped," Henry gave me a dirty look. "I thought we were your patients, you were the one that was supposed to be looking after us." 

"But you said you were big boys, and I just couldn't argue with that logic." 

"Bro, tell her she's wrong," he stared at Donghae for help. "Tell her all her choices are wrong." 

Donghae furrowed his brows in deep thought. "I can't, not all her choices are wrong." 

"She's actively choosing to da-" 

"I can't agree with you because she was my girlfriend at some point, and that was a pretty good choice," he hushed him with a smug look on his face. 

Mochi gave him a distinctive look, that I apparently couldn't decipher. There was something up with him and Donghae. But I wasn't going to Scooby Doo that mystery, not when I was hungry. 

I pushed myself off the couch, "let me know if I miss anything. You guys want anything? I think I might go to the corner store." 

"Can you get me some ice cream?" 

"It's funny how your tone of voice changes when you want something from me, Lau," I snapped. "Donghae? You want some cookies?" 

"If you don't mind," he smiled. 

--  --  --  -- 


"I think it'd be best if we kept our distance," I let go of his strong hold on my hand. "I witnessed how well known you are and being seen with me won't be good for your image." 

Siwon looked hurt, but nodded. "You're right." 

I side stepped to create more space between us while we strolled down the sidewalk. It was a nice day out in Seoul, the air was fresh, and the sun was shining brightly. Had it been that way since I arrived? Or was I just in a really good mood because I had finally gotten laid? Probably the latter.

"If you want, we can head back to the dorm," he suggested. "You can spend some time with Penny." 

We left Penny dead asleep, and knowing how important sleep was to her, and seeing as how it was almost noon, she was probably taking her first nap of the day...

"Eh, I've spent twenty-two years with her, one day without seeing her won't kill me," I decided. 

 "You two look very similar," he studied my features. "Physically." 

"Good genes are always passed down," I said proudly. "We just carry them differently." 

"Very," his eyes left mine instantly. "For some silly reason I thought you'd be similar personality wise too." 

"There's only so much of Penny anyone can handle, really."





"What's up? You need anything?" 

"I'm just calling to make sure you're doing alright..." Kyuhyun said (his voice sounded so much sexier over the phone). 

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? Don't you have something better to do? Like working or something?" I stopped the tempting thoughts from popping into my head. 

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