Chapter 26

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Donghae and I stepped out of my room to join the rest of the guys in the living room. It was definitely a lazy Sunday. Everyone was mostly in sweats and a tee, or  whatever they slept in. Needless to say, Kyuhyun put on some clothes.  

Sungmin patted the spot next to him on the couch, I leaped onto it, hitting Henry on the other side. 

"OUCH, WATCH WHERE YOU LAND, FATTY!" He yelled in English. 

"Fatty? I AM NO- no yeah I am. You're right, I'm SO sorry for causing a disruption in your life by bumping into you~" I wailed back in English. 

Sungmin threw a worried glance at me, not knowing if we were seriously arguing. I gently raised my hand, letting him I was definitely in control. 

"How's life in Korea going for ya?" Henry continued, he really enjoyed having someone to speak English with. 

I shrugged, "I love it! Everyday's an adventure. School's cool, I completely dominated the language-"

"It could use some work..."

I took a second to glare at him, "AS I WAS SAYIN', I landed a job teaching a worldwide famous boy group, which are all incredibly kind, and glad to say they're my friends now." 

"Good for you. So no boyfriend...?"

"Nooo..." I answered nervously. 

"So lemme get this straight. You live in a dorm full of guys that are wanted by millions of girls in different countries, and none of them has got your attention?"

Ah! What to say to that? I couldn't reveal the truth about Donghae and I. Yes Sungmin, Kyuhyun, and Ryeowook knew about it, but maybe telling another person would be the breaking point. Think fast Penelope! 

"Of course all of you have my attention! Haha, it's just that I haven't really put the moves on anyone. I'm dangerous when I put on the moves. It'd be risky, I'm only keeping away because of the impending doom." 

Henry chuckled, "Impending doom, eh? Well if you're ever feeling a bit risky enough to endanger some lives, I'm sexy, free, and single." He winked and bit his lip in the cheesiest way possible. I couldn't help but giggle. 

"I'll keep that in mind~" I winked back. 

"I like hanging out with you, you're not as bad as Heechul made you seem."

I raised my eyebrows, in curiousity. 

"He said you were a saesang fan, that you didn't brush your teeth often, and tried really hard to be Korean." 

I cupped my hand to my mouth, breathing out to check my breath, it smelled Colgate fresh. 

"No, your breath smells fine, I see you brush your teeth the recommended two times a day," he nodded, "I thought you being a fan would be a bit awkward, but it just feels like you're a distant member who knows all the songs, yet a horrible dancer. I don't see you trying to be Korean, besides how could you not? You're completely surrounded, survival of the fittest." 

"You're really awesome," I I patted his hand. 

Donghae skimmed us from his seat next to Eunhyuk, not blinking. Henry caught on, and bit his lips, slowly winking, at me, again. 

I sighed, "you are such a tease." 

Henry shrugged, "I do what I can to get the ladies. We should hang out more often."

"For sure," I agreed. 

"Can you guys stop having intimate conversations? There are more people in this room..." Kyuhyun looked up from his laptop.

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