Chapter 46

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I inhaled deeply before walking out to face him. He didn't sound like his usual, cheery, joyful self. In fact, I had never seen him angry. Maybe annoyed, but never raging.

"I can explain," Donghae was trying to calm him down.

"Do I even want to hear it?"

"Henry," I began.

"I can't even look at you, Penelope."

Ouch. My heart dropped along with my eyes.

"Henry, let's talk about this," Donghae kept his tone even.

"I don't-"

"Dongsaeng," Donghae's command stopped Henry from continuing. "Did you see anything?"

He shook his head, "I just heard some...noises."

"Why are you angry?" I asked.

"How can I not be angry?! One of the girls who I care for very much, and I admire, cheated on one of my brothers. Not only that, but you did it with someone I look up to. I didn't think you two would be capable of doing something like that. I wanted to prove myself wrong by coming here and confirming it, but no. I knew there was something going on with you two. The way Donghae looks at you, the way you take care of him. Then there was that time not too long ago, that you two were left alone and Penny was found sleeping naked? Yeah that sent off alarms. And Lee-"

"I never cheated on anyone. Kyuhyun and I aren't seriously in a relationship! I wish you people would understand," I wailed.

"Wait, WHAT?" Henry finally faced me.

"Wow, Henry. They were never in a relationship. They're only doing so because of the pictures they'd taken of them. It's a stunt, like the one with Jessica and I. Nothing more. Can't you tell from they're continuous arguing?"

"I thought that's how they flirted," he shrugged. "So you two?"

We nodded.

"Not just doing the deed, right?"

"The deed?"

"You know...the thing lovers do," he looked away.

"No, not just the deed. We're actually together, in a relationship," Donghae went to my side.

"How long?"

"I don't we have an actual date from when we started dating..." I frowned.

"There were definitely sparks the first day you moved in," Donghae smiled.

"Ah, yeah," I suddenly remembered the moment we had shared the cup of ramen. "Then the days that followed just brought us closer together."

"You two have been going at it for months now?" Henry crossed his arms.

I gasped,"No! No, no, no~ We just started a few days ago!"

"As in a relationship..."

"Oh, yes. Right. Of course," I blushed.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Sungmin, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Danielle, Taemin," I counted off with my fingers.

"Taemin knows?!" Donghae shrieked.

"Sorry," I blinked.

"My girlfriend knows!?"

"Sorry," I apologized again.

"Why haven't you guys told anyone else?"

"Leeteuk hyung would kill us. He's pretty strict with Penny. Can you imagine if he knew about us? He'd have a guard at her door, we wouldn't be able to hang out like we do, things would just get hard," Donghae explained.

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