Chapter 4

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We walked in to find 10 guys sitting in their large living room, all eyes on us.

"Hey guys this is Penelope, your Spanish tutor. She's just fresh off the plane from America so she could probably help you perfect your English as well." their Prince Manager firmly said, making sure that everyone got the point. A few of the guys smiled and waved at me and I did the same in return. A few others studied me intently, making sure I wasn't some sort of sasaeng fan. I stood there shyly as their manager explained to them that I wasn't very fluent in Korean, that I wasn't some sort of crazy fan, and I was pretty young.

That's actually a good idea, not letting them know that I'm a fan, it'd make thinks awkward for them.   I'll play it cool, besides I'm not a crazy fangirl. I'm a normal fan, not the ones that hang from the ceiling, but still. Oh they all look so much cuter in person~

"Alright, well I have to go to some appointments. Penny, you can go ahead and start right now if you'd like, or you can get to know each other a little better. Take your time, these guys aren't going to be very busy for the next few days, so don't rush yourself," and with that he left.

I awkwardly stood there, avoiding eye contact with any of them. They mumbled and chuckled as they looked at me up and down. I looked up and glared at each and everyone of them. No one was going to make a fool out of me, I don't care how rich, famous and attractive you are. I made my way to the kitchen counter, stomping, I had to let them know I was angry. I took the spiral and pen out of my school bag and started writing down your basic español: Hola, yo soy __________, y es mi primera vez en ___________.

I continued to write phrases simple as that when I heard  some footsteps getting closer. I looked up to see who they belonged to.

"Hey Penelope? I'm Leeteuk, Super Junior's leader. Can you understand what I'm saying?" he asked, making sure to enunciate every syllable.

I nodded my head, Min had made sure to teach me Korean, a large amount of it before I embarked on this adventure, so I was safe, for now.

"I understand some Korean, not all of it, but most of it. Sorry if its a little choppy coming from me, but I'm trying." I smiled weakly.

Leeteuk laughed and gestured for me to go back to the living room, with the rest of the guys.

"Penelope actually knows how to speak a bit of Korean, but she needs a little help, so be patient with her. She has to be patient with us, teaching us Spanish and such." He explained to them.

After that the tension in the room left, leaving room for introductions. One by one the guys introduced themselves to me, some shaking my hand and some pulling me in for a hug.

"So tell us about yourself, we don't want a stranger in our home!" Yesung wailed with a frown.

"Well, what do you guys want to know about me?"






The questions poured out of them so fast I could hardly understand them.

 "Ummm, my favorite color is red, I'm twenty-two, I do play games-lots of them, being Mexican is hard, but pleasant, and YES, I absolutely LOVE bunnies." I answered cheerfully.

After that,  everyone felt comfortable with my presence, or at least a bit more.

Hot For Tutor (Super Junior/슈퍼주니어 Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora