Chapter 60

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"So how was everyone's night?" Henry asked. 

"I don't know if this is a rhetorical question, but I had a pretty great time," I answered. 

"Mine could have used some improvement," Kyuhyun added. 

I faced him, bewildered. How could he? What improvement? Did he want to drink soju out of my belly button? Shisus. 

"I didn't sign up for a group meeting," he continued. "I was just hanging out with my girl, listening to some music, relaxing." 

Excuse me while I melt into a puddle. 

"I didn't ask for it either, but here we are," Donghae grunted. "Don't act like you were the only one bothered by it." 

"The only two who should be bothered by it are Dani and I! We just wanted to come back and have some chocolate milk in the dorm," Henry glared. 

"And we're part of this problem how?' I argued, "We were in OUR dorm. A distraction to no one. You wouldn't have even known we were next door, had we not heard that deafening scream." 

"I'm pretty sure we would have heard a deafening moan if we had gotten here earlier," Jessica sneered.

Donghae nodded, "Let's be honest, we all saw the scratches on Kyuhyun's back." 

Suddenly all the attention was focused on us. 

"Oh, so now WE'RE the problem? You and Dani should be more worried about catching Donghae and Jessica doing the dirty in your place. Does it really matter what Penny and I were doing? NO," Kyuhyun threw his hands out. 

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew," Dani squeezed her eyes shut. "Still trying to erase that memory."

"I say we all forget it. No one talks about what they saw tonight, to anyone. And if you're planning on having a mating session...please make sure it will be uninterrupted," Henry sighed. 

"Like Kyuhyun did," I smiled. They all glared at me with the strength of six demons. "To play Mario Kart in peace. Cause games like that...they get out of hand," I lied. 

Danielle gave me the "you-be-a-lying-little-cunt-but-I-know-you'll-be-telling-me-everything-later" look. 

"So it's forgotten to everyone, right?" Henry repeated. 

We all nodded more than eager to get the meeting over and done with. 

"Do you guys have any cookies here?" Donghae asked casually, "I'm feeling a little hungry." 

"Actually, I am too," I agreed. 

"WE JUST ATE!" Kyuhyun shrieked. "Next time, I'll just slaughter a damn horse for you!" 

"Can you just get me a box of chicken? With mashed potatoes?" I blinked, almost starting to drool at the sight of the perfectly crispy, fried chicken. If my hormones weren't going to be the death of me, my passion for food would be. 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- 

Everyone woke up pretty late on the following Saturday morning. Not the usual ten in the morning "late", but the one in the afternoon late. I could tell who had been doing some heavy drinking right away. We all shared the same "kill me now" look, that seemed to be quite in fashion for the seven of us who were wearing it. 

Granted I didn't drink as much as I did when I was younger, but it was enough to make my head hurt, and my eyes bloodshot. The best known remedy to it would be a nice, hot shower. Evidently, everyone had that in mind. I walked out of my room, in my bath robe, towel in my hand only to join Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Siwon, Ryeowook, Yesung, and Heechul's arguing in the hallway. 

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