Chapter 34

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"Hahahahahahaha! Typical Penelope," Yesung's laugh pierced my ears.  

Taemin had gotten back to the dorm pretty late. He had to take his friend, Han Hee-joo, back to her house. Just as he had, the storm worsened, making him stay a bit longer. When he arrived, he sneaked in, thinking everyone was already asleep. He was quite surprised to find the entire place packed and full of life. He greeted us happily, and had started filling us in on the date. 

Sungmin and Zhou Mi shared a laughing fit, at Miss Piggy's expense. I couldn't help from chuckling myself. She went out on a date and she hurt herself? Not only that, but she was limping for the rest of the night. Made me wonder how she could ride a bike around town. 

"Is she okay though? She didn't tell me anything about it a few minutes ago when I texted her," Leeteuk  had been the only one to not laugh, worried about his "angel". 

Taemin patted his back, "Don't worry, hyung. It wasn't anything too bad. Just a small cut and a bit of swelling. From what I heard it's nothing she isn't used to. 

Leeteuk sighed in relief, "Well, if nothing's broken..." He let out a high pitched wail, leading to the rest of his infamous laugh. 

"What are you guys laughing about?" Krystal peeked around Ryeowook's shoulder. 

"This sweet girl I went out on a date with," Taemin smiled. 





The rest of the girls joined as soon as they heard the word "date". They all gathered around Taemin, who turned a few shades of red. 

"Girls, girls, girls. This conversation is for guys only. Can't you all go back to watching cat videos or something?" Eunhyuk waved them off, very curious about what ever else happened on the date. Since he and Minho were the match makers. 

"UGH, boys," Krystal led the girls away. 

Heechul chased behind them, not caring about the date in the first place. I listened intently as Taemin described the rest of the events that had taken place earlier. He didn't mention anything about Donghae, which sparked me with curiosity.

He's typically a jealous guy, and I mean Miss Piggy's his girl. How could he stand idly by while some guy took  her out? Especially when she looked like that. She wore that flower dress, her hair was down and wavy, and her eyes came to life when she saw Donghae. It was supposed to happen, I mean she likes him and what not.

I had been avoiding her like crazy, still embarrassed about the ramen bowl  incident. Doing so made me realize that I didn't really like her. I was just spending more time with her, getting to know her better, without hating her like I had before. 

"Kyuhyun?" Shindong's voice brought me back to the conversation. 


"You just missed out on what happened on the date!" Minho frowned. 

"Shhhh, he and Penny had something going on. I'm pretty sure he's heart broken," Eunhyuk mumbled. 

Minho gasped, "I'm sorry, hyung!" 

My eye lids slimmed down into a death stare, "We had nothing going on." 

"He's just saying that. We saw them talking, playing around, she healed him, she even got him to cook!" Leeteuk smirked. 

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