Chapter 1

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I can't believe I'm actually going to go through with this. Maybe I should have thought things through a little longer before doing something so drastic, but NOOOO I had to be Miss Impulsive. I'm in the most awkward situation I could have ever put myself in. I'm at a school where hardly anyone speaks English, nonetheless Spanish. Ah, where's my first class at? 

"You lost?" I turned around to find the most adorable Asian girl I'd ever seen. She was about 5'0, at the most, with long black/brown hair and deep brown doll like eyes. Smiling, she kept waiting for me to respond. All I'd done was stare at her, mouth wide open. I am such an awkward idiot.

"Yeah, actually, I have no clue where I am, what time my lesson starts, and worse, I don't know how to communicate with anyone." I looked at her glumly.

"My name's Minji, I'd be totally glad to be your tour guide and translator!" She had quite the bubbly personality, practically bouncing at every word. I like her already.

"Hi Minj-" "Call me Min, it sounds cooler with one syllable" she giggled.

"Alright, Min. I'm Penelope, and I will gladly give you my soul for helping a sista out." I smiled at her genuinely hoping she'd accept me as her new-found best friend.

I took out my schedule for her to read. She led me to all of my classes quickly, giving me tips and survival skills. The morning went quite well, actually. I didn't get as many stares as I expected. Understanding what the professors were saying was going to be one hell of a challenge, but as Min had said earlier, she'd be glad to help me out. She was actually in quite a few of my classes, which was such an advantage. 

Lunch arrived in a wink. I sat with Minji and a few of her friends, I didn't quite catch what they were saying most of the time, but they seemed kind.

"So, where are you staying at?" Min looked back at me.

"I've been staying at a hotel for about a week now, still looking for a place to stay in permanently, or while I'm studying here." I said shyly.

Minji quickly translated that to Korean for the rest of the group to hear. As soon as she was finished the girls looked at me  surprised.

"They just think it was WAY crazy of you to just move to a country you know nothing about, with nowhere to stay." Right they are, pretty stupid if you ask me, but it's something I have to go through-I already payed the tuition.

"Believe it or not, I know quite a bit about South Korea," She looked at me curiously, "I listen to a lot of K-Pop, like Super Junior, SHINee, BAP, Big Bang, F (x), Wonder Girls~" I sang proudly.

"You are officially part of this group, and my new best friend. I'd give you a BFF bracelet, but those are whack!" I didn't know the word 'whack' was still in use, maybe Korea's a bit behind with the slang? The bell rang, announcing nomnom time was over.

The rest of my classes were pretty easy, and luckily very short. Before I knew, it was time to head back to the hotel. Minji volunteered to walk me there, since we wanted to hang out a bit, learn more about each other, hence the new "BFF" status. 

"So who's your favorite?" She asked setting her backpack down next to the bed.

"Depends from what group, exactly..."

"Super Junior!" "Definitely Kyuhyun....and Yesung...and Heechul...and Donghae...and Sungmin...and"

"OKAY, HALF THE GROUP!" She interrupted before I finished saying the rest of the members' names.

Soon enough, we got to know every little detail about each other and we clicked like we'd known each other our whole lives. Turns out Min was actually raised in the U.S as well, and came back to Korea to study, as it was her mother's aspirations. She ended up staying longer than planned; we were busy listening to SHINee and eating chocolate. I was starting to think coming over here wasn't such a bad idea at all. 


Okay, so how was it? Pretty boring, eh? :( I'm trying, I promise this story will get better, I'm already finishing up chapter two!! I'm actually extremely new to this whole Wattpad thing, so bare with me, I'll go Pro, just wait. I need a cover, if anyone can help? Thank youuuu for reading and give me some feedback PWEASE. 

Also, how do I know anyone's going to read this? Seriously considering making this a Super Junior erotica now...

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