Chapter 53

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We sat around the large dinner table, all thirteen of us, after a busy day. It felt lonely without Danielle and Penny. Quieter, as well. 

"So, how's everyone's schedule for this week looking?" Siwon started a conversation. 

"I'm going to Strong Heart," Heechul sipped his coffee.

Leeteuk nodded, "That'll be fun." 

"I'm still doing the recording for the drama," I said.

"I'm going to write a few songs," Henry added.

Yesung shrugged, "I'll be recording a song for a soundtrack." 

"I'm definitely going shopping!" Zhou Mi exclaimed. "I saw these great slacks at a boutique, they'd totally match my navy cardigan." 

"Can I go with you? I need new dress shirts," Ryeowook exhaled. 

"Of course! I wish Penny was here, she could go with us! Ugh, I really wanted to get matching shirts with her," Zhou Mi frowned.

"I know right!? I saw this beautiful dress that would look absolutely stunning on her!" 

The two sighed at the thought of her not being able to join them. I pouted with them. It had been our first full day without either of them, and it sucked.

"I miss Dani~" Henry wailed. "WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE?!" 

"You shut your mouth, Lau! You haven't been with her much lately," Zhou Mi scolded. "You have no idea how much she has been frowning lately. And I know it's not because Twitter crashed." 

"Although, that is rather unfortunate. I couldn't post any selcas," Yesung  crossed his arms. 

Heechul slumped back, "Yeah, me either." 

"I MISS PENNY!" Sungmin cried. "When is she coming back? I didn't even get to cuddle with her before she left! I need her back!" 


"You get to touch her all the time, Donghae. Why do you want to continue to touch her?" Eunhyuk sneered.

"She's my girlfriend!" I shouted.

"Well, now look what you've done! You made your other girlfriend jealous," Shindong chuckled. 

"Are you jealous?" I asked my dearest, closest friend. 

He shook his head, "No. I just wanted to hug her before she left." 

"You did." 

"Not long enough. Besides, Sungmin got to hug her like seven times! How unfair is that?" He threw out his hands. 

"Seriously, Sungmin. I only hugged her for a few seconds, then you pulled her away from me," Heechul snarled. 

"Yeah, Minnie, sharing is caring!" Kyuhyun punched his arm lightly. 

"You know, it's not like she resisted or complained. I wouldn't be angry with me, she definitely enjoyed it," he shrugged.

Touche, Lee Sungmin, touche. 

"Ugh, this is really boring. I want her back NOW," Yesung grunted. 

"How did we live without them before?" Henry wondered.

Leeteuk sat up, "Like men." 

"I don't think we lost our masculinity when Penelope moved in, hyung," Ryeowook scratched his head. 

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