Chapter 5

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We continued to get to know each other the next week.

They made sure to speak a little slower so that I could understand what they were saying, and they'd even helped with my homework! Donghae, Yesung, and  Sungmin were the silliest and I instantly clicked with them.

"Pennyyyyyyy~" Yesung sang walking to me with a box of marshmallows.

I jumped up in glee and quickly reached for one stuffing it in my mouth savoring it. Yesung did the same, then he looked at me, as if having the same thought, we stuffed our mouths with more marshmallows, threw ourselves on the floor, started rolling and squirming around.

"What the?!" Sungmin walked into the living room. He stood there for a few seconds, then decided to join us.

"AH COOL, YOU GUYS ARE PLAYING SCHOOL OF FISH!!!" Donghae yelled as he started squirming on the floor with us. All of us had our fishie faces on, "swimming" around the sea.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!? ALL OF YOU ARE GROWN MEN..." shrieked Leeteuk as we stood up, like soldiers. "Penelope? What were you doing in that mess?"

I looked down, embarrassed at my childlike behavior. "Sorry Leeteuk Oppa."

"She calls you oppa? SHE DOESN'T CALL ME OPPA!"


"...OR ME."

I felt three pairs of eyes glaring into the depths of my soul. "He's the leader so it seems right, and besides all of you act like you're five years old." I meekly said.  Still, I felt them staring me down.

"We will continue this later, missy..." Donghae promised.

"I think today's a good day to start learning Spanish, eh?" Leeteuk suggested.

I nodded in agreement and took out a few white boards I had purchased to make the lessons easier. I layed them out while Leeteuk fetched the rest of the guys.

Donghae immediately started drawing fishies on his board, while Sungmin drew bunnies on his. The rest of the guys sat on the floor looking up at me anxiously.

"Okay so let's learn basic Spanish...anyone know how to say 'hello' in spanish?" I looked around smiling.

"HI?!" Kyuhyun eagerly shouted, the rest of the guys nodded, hoping he was right.

"No, that's's 'Hola'. You say it o-lah. O-LAH." They repeated it in unison. Not bad, this might be easier than I thought.

"That's too easy. We're not stupid, ya know? Teach us something that's going to be actually useful."

"Who said that? That was incredibly rude, yo!" I searching for the owner's voice.

 "Me. I want to learn more complicated things to say 'You are a beautiful woman and I must have you' type thing." Donghae said smirking. I gave him my best death glare.  Then my stomach made some indescribable noise.

"Someone's  little hungry..."

"Just a little."

"I'll make some food~" Ryeowook volunteered and ran to the kitchen, his favorite spot. I skipped close behind him, I couldn't take the pain of being hungry any more.

"I'll help you," I smiled "I don't know how to cook any Korean food, but I can make some delicious Mexican food..." I offered.

"Hm, I don't think we have the ingredients to make some of that do we?" He checked the fridge, all to no avail. "Maybe next time?" I nodded.

He had me chopping up a few veggies and some meat. I set up the table and called everyone to sit.

"YUM. It smells soooo gewwddddddddd~" Kyuhyun inhaled closing his eyes.

Yesung's mouth was watering, Donghae was jumping in his seat, and Siwon sitting calmly, like a prince.

Ryeowook and I brought the food over and started serving everyone. Sungmin gestured for me to sit next to him and I took a seat.

We all looked at each other, ready to dive into a delicious meaty heaven, when my phone rang. I had "Butterfly" by Super Junior as my ringtone.

They all gaped at me.

Wait, they don't know I'm a fan...SHIT SHIT SHIT.

Hot For Tutor (Super Junior/슈퍼주니어 Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora