Chapter 57

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"Still nervous?" Kyuhyun held my hand as we walked through the filled parking lot.

"A little, yeah. I just have this weird feeling that I didn't have before," I shrugged. "Not a bad one, but. It's just weird."

"About me or...?"

"Don't feel so high and mighty, the world doesn't revolve around you, KyuhUGH," I glared.

"Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure I AM the sun...I'm bright, like it," he smirked.

"If only you didn't look so handsome...I would-"

"You would what, sack of potatoes? Lightly pinch my arm? Flick my ear? Give me a wet willy?" he rolled his eyes. "But you're right, I do look quite handsome today."

"Is there ever a moment when you're not full of yourself?"

"Yeah, when I look at you," he squeezed my hand.

He was forgiven for everything in life after that. I felt my cheeks turn red. I didn't know if it was the nerves or the breeze, but goosebumps traveled down my arms.

"Looks like everyone's here. Are we late?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have taken the long way, huh?"

"No, I enjoyed the ride. It was a different way to view Seoul," I smiled.

"I'm glad you did. It was supposed to calm you down a bit. Even if it took a little longer..."

"Ah, that's okay! It's not like we're the guests of honor or anything."

"No, but we'll definitely be the cutest couple there," he quickened his pace.

We fast walked up the stairs, making it to the broad doors to the ballroom. There were a couple of security guards, in case any wild fans appeared I guessed. The guards finally let us in, after having to prove our identities. We strolled in semi frantically, hoping we weren't the last ones to arrive. There was a large hallway, beautifully decorated, eighteenth century style. A grand door, was in the middle, finally leading to the main room. My eyes found a large mirror near the door, and I went to it., my hand gently slipping away from Kyuhyun's. I had to make sure I looked perfect at every moment. Kyuhyun wandered along the hall, admiring the paintings and sculptures placed around.

My reflection in the mirror was the exact same one that I had seen before we left the dorm. Nothing had changed, but a couple locks of my hair needed to be tamed. I untangled them, fluffing them back in place. 

"Stop worrying, you look perfect," Kyuhyun swept my hair over my right shoulder, leaving my right side bare. 

I gasped at the sudden gesture. He allowed himself to gently graze my collarbone. Again, the goosebumps returned. Probably cause it was a tad bit cold. Yeah, that was why. 

"Thanks," I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. 

"For being a pig and all," he continued. 

I wasn't expecting him to turn into the sweetest man to have lived. Of course he was going to ruin every single, romantic moment with his insults and clever remarks. Yet, the more I thought about it, they made the moments even more perfect. Just because I loved how clever and funny his insults were. I decided I didn't mind. Romantic moments could get dull anyway. 

"You look good too. I must be the envy of your laptop right now," I scrunched my nose. 

He glared at me intensely. I then realized we weren't very far apart. His eyes widened to stare into my own. I blinked a single time. He inclined his head towards mine slowly, only for him to lightly peck the corner of my cheek. Warmth filled my chest, causing me to smile. Kyuhyun smirked charmingly. 

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