Chapter 2

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The rest of the week went by in a breeze. I quickly caught on to my classes, and it seemed everyone was comfortable with me, thanks to the aid of Min. She was also teaching me some Korean, which was SO helpful.

We had become really close friends in a matter of days, which hardly ever happened, me being a little too overenthusiastic about everything, but Minji was the completely the same! Soon enough we got comfortable enough that we could tell each other's thought with a simple glance. 

"Penny, you really need to find an apartment, I bet that hotel's pretty fucking expensive. I can help you look if you'd like..." She offered with a grin.

"I've been procrastinating that for AGES. I was getting comfortable going over to your place, you know..." I looked away casually, obviously suggesting me wanting to be her roomie.

"WELL I'M AN IDIOT. WHY DIDN'T I OFFER YOU TO BE MY ROOMIE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Oh wait, maybe cause its a one bedroom apartment and I don't want you sleeping on the couch!" She retorted semi angry.

"You know with the both of us we could rent out a bigger place-two bedrooms, maybe three if you're feeling a bit wild." Min glared at me for what seemed an hour until she finally grinned.

"That sounds like a great idea, Pennster! How about you get your crap out of here and stay with me till we find a bigger place? You need to start saving your money...your ass ain't working and you can't live off of ramen forever." 

She helped me pack up my suitcases and check out the hotel. We headed back to her place, always so cozy. "You already know where everything is, so no need of a tour-WAIT, do you snore?" I stood there wide eyed, embarrassed at the fact that she had blurted out one of my most well kept secrets.

"YOU DO SNORE! I don't want you living here anymore." She pointed her hand at the door, gesturing me to get the fuck out. I made my best fake sob, causing her to laugh.

"I promise I'll be a better sleeper? You know it's something I have no control over, right? If I could stop I would!" I defended myself, as best as I could.  

I was unpacking my things as she talked on the phone with her friends. No idea what she was saying, I entertained myself looking through things I forgot I'd packed. I can't believe I packed a box of cigarettes. I haven't smoked in about a year, but I guess I thought I'd be stressing myself out eventually. 

"PENELOPE!!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT YEJI JUST TOLD ME!" Min dashed out of her room and into me.

Dumbfounded, I stared at her, not understanding what was so exciting.

"SUPER JUNIOR IS LOOKING FOR A TUTOR!" Big deal, anyone can tutor them. There's millions of girls out there who are completely right for the part.


Okay, this just got interesting. I could apply for the job, right? I'm a freaking Mexican! Spanish was my first language. "Where do I sign up?" 


Better? It's just getting exciting. ;) Let me know what you think, and again, thank you so much for reading, it means a lot. (Still considering making this an erotica, stay tuned.)

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