Chapter 22

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"Hu-uh hu-uh hu-uh gluah!"

I threw up into the white porcelain. My head was throbbing, my back ached, and I had an intense craving for something salty.

"You alright, Kyuhyun?" Leeteuk peeked into the bathroom, eyebrows furrowed with worry.

I flushed the toilet before getting up off my knees. I glanced at Leeteuk, not wanting to respond, in fear of puking again. I faced the sink, looking up at the mirror  to a pretty beat up maknae. 

"You drank a lot more than usual, I'm guessing. Ah, to be young again. I'm just glad Penny was able to pick you up last night," he said smiling his way back out to the hallway.

That's right, Miss Piggy had come to my rescue last night. I hadn't had the time to recall the things that had happened last night, too busy spewing trash out of my mouth. The memories of the previous night came back slowly. I had been alone at the bar, drinking soju? Then Miss Piggy was in my bed with me, trying to get me to sleep, then...

NO. NONONONONONONONONONONO. NO. It had to have been a dream. Had I really told Piggy that I liked her and I thought she was foxy? 

I opened the water faucet, taking off my clothes. I needed a shower, besides showers are the best places to make life decisions. 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  


I hadn't been able to sleep, not even a wink. I was out of bed at six in the morning, took a shower, dressed myself, went to the kitchen, and made breakfast. Pancakes, toast, bacon, and eggs were waiting at the center of the table for when the guys decided to wake. 

"Woah, it's your average American breakfast!" Siwon walked into the kitchen, looking at the table. 

"I couldn't really sleep last night, so I decided to stop laying around and make some breakfast for you all. Just in case some are busy, that way you can enjoy a full meal. But it seems no one's awake." 

"Actually, most of them are over at Zhou Mi's and Henry's. Leeteuk hyung and I came back here to check up on Kyuhyun. I really can't thank you enough, Penny," he threw a charming smile at me. 

He had to be chiseled out of marble. Music videos and photos gave him no justice. 

"Don't worry about it. Would you like some coffee?" 

He nodded graciously, "If you don't mind. So is that a fashion statement, or are you actually Christian?" 

It took me a second to figure out he was talking about my sideways cross necklace. It hardly ever really showed, since it was so tiny. I poured two cups of coffee, for the both of us. 

"Um, my parents are pretty religious Catholics. I was brought up that way, but to be honest, I'm not super devoted. I do pray ever so often, but not like you. This was a gift, from my brother." 

"Its beautiful, religious or not. I'm glad you have a belief system, I was getting quite worried." 

I chuckled, "Were you about to drag me to the nearest church?" I handed him a cup, while I sat next to him. 

"Almost," he took a sip, "Mmmm, perfect. Sweet enough, and not too bitter." 

Silently I gave myself a small round of applause, for I had passed the coffee test.

"Siwon, could I ask you a question?" 

"Anything you'd like, Penelope." 

"You don't remember most of what happened yesterday, do you?" 

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