TenRose arguments to love

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Doctor's POV

Rose and I had gotten in a rather intense argument, and suddenly it took a turn for the worst. My Rose didn't believe I loved her. Tears flooded down her face as she yelled.

"Why do you have to do this to me? You make me feel so special, then you completely ignore my feeling for you! Don't you know it hurts? I see you flirting and pulling everyone else along as if I didn't exist!"

I remained stunned, I had never thought she had felt that way. I stepped closer as I spoke lightly.

"Rose, where did you ever get the idea that you weren't special?"

She instantly backed away, as she whimpered. "Just leave me alone."

I pulled her into my arms, before she could protest I smashed her lips to mine.

She struggled as are lips parted.

"Doctor, stop. You don't mean it."

"Stop doing things I don't mean? But you mean everything to me. So I promise you have my undying attention from now on." I whispered into her ear, licking my lips.

Her face flushed, as her struggling ceased. She stuttered lightly, as she couldn't manage to let out a full sentence.

"You are the most important thing in the universe. I'm truly sorry I don't show you my appreciation as much as I should. I do acknowledge your feelings, It's just I'm scared. If I show my affections, It may put you in even more danger."

I then pulled her closer are lips barley and inch apart. "I will prove it." I kissed her roughly. As I leaned her back.

I had a lovely Rose, one for me.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now