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I would love to dedicate this chapter to TheAmericanWhovian
! Thank you for your lovely support!

Doctor's POV

Another day on the field, looking for the thief. James Moriarty, was the man who had stolen the microchip. Captain Jack Harkness was my technical analysts, as I listened to him through an ear piece on behalf of Torchwood.

I used the physic paper to easily get in to the event, as Jack went through a data base for everyone in the room.

"What?" Jack said in confusion, and almost disbelief.

"hmm?" I muttered, not trying to draw attention to myself.

"The blond, at the bar counter. No data base at all, as if she's not even a person!" Jack explained. I looked over at her, she was gorgeous. Just then James Moriarty walked in the room, she smirked and expectantly looked up.

Suddenly the lights went out, as you could hear people fighting. When the lights turned back on, she was gone. But Moriarty lay unconscious on the floor, along with his men. This couldn't be coincidental, was she a spy?

"She went out the back, she has the microchip," Jack informed me. I nodded, as I knew I had to go after her. I found her, she was walking slowly while she was on her phone. I slid my arm around her waist, as I pulled her to me.

"I'm guessing you don't work for Moriarty," I mused, as footsteps where heard around the corner. Her arms wrapped around my torso, as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"No, but my guess is you don't either," She hummed, closing her eyes. As people were leaving, her simply rocking us.

"You got the chip, it belongs to my company," I responded. She kissed my cheek, and slid it into my hand.

"He had ours as well, I assumed you guys would need the help," She giggled. As her arms pulled me closer, our lips in sync. I was a little confused, but there obviously was no form of toxin coated on her lips. So it was safe to kiss her, as her hands entangled in my hair.

"Thanks for the help," I gasped out of breath. She giggled again, as she purred against me ear, "Hopefully we will meet again," as she slipped from my arms leaving.

"Wait!, they call me the Doctor," I called.

"Rose," She smirked, as she left me alone to myself.

As soon as I got to head quarters, they had traced my lips. Checking for poison, as they ran the microchip through the files.

"She really gave it to you," The Director said in disbelief. "She also didn't poison you, we surely lucked out,"

"But why?" I asked, still confused. Why would she trust me so easily? Rose, who did she even work for? What was taken from them?

"Who knows," Jack shrugged. As I went home, knowing I needed a cold shower from todays events. I went home, as I took my shower and went to bed. The next day, I was told Moriarty was settling some business with someone who took from him.

I arrived at the scene, hiding as I was pissed at what I saw. Rose, she was tied to a chair, her head bleeding down her face. Her expression was plain, as if not to let anything on.

"You took both of the microchips sweet heart, but how come you only had one on you? I need torch woods, and I didn't take all the time to get it, for some little girl to come and steal it." Moriarty shouted.

Rose didn't even flinch, she simply stared.

"Where is it!" He shouted, slamming the gun across her temple. Rose, didn't react much but her breath got heavier.

She looked up, smirking. "I ran it over with my car," She laughed tauntingly. James looked pissed, as he took a deep breath and smiled. As he pointed the gun to her head.

"Then what's the point of keeping you alive?"

As a shot went off, it was mine. I had shot him in the head, as Rose looked around confused. I ran to her, as her face lit up from seeing me. I leaned over, as I kissed her lovingly. Rose kissing back, as I untied her.

Her arms wound around me, as I held her tightly.

"Thank you," She whispered, as I carefully inspected her wounds. Her shaking at my touch, as I kissed her reassuringly. It was obvious she was getting dizzy, as I took her back to head quarters. She was treated, as she was being asked a lot of questions.

Rose looked almost frightened, as she was to disoriented to understand what was really happening. I pulled her into my arms, as everyone knew to leave us alone. As we comforted one another.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," I responded, kissing her forehead.

After some time I had a new partner, my lovely Rose. Who went by the code name, BÄD WØŁF.

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