The five most rememberable kisses

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to spontaneous_pudding happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!🎉

Doctor's POV

My lovely companion Rose, always so tempting. Her lips always warm and plump against my own. Kissing Rose Tyler was one of the best things I've ever experienced in my long life. Five times we kissed in particular came to mind, how I love those memories and can't wait to have many more.

1. Sure I could tie a tie, but Rose didn't seem to care as she pleaded me to let her do it. I agreed quite confused in her sudden interest in tying it for me, my cheeks flushed when she reached her arms around my neck with the tie. Standing on her toes so she could reach.

She settled the tie in place under my lapels, before she slowly brought me closer with lidded eyes. I could feel my blood pumping to my face, as I blushed. She twirled the tie between her fingers before tying it, our lips coming even closer together.

"I like this tie," She purred. Slowly looking up at me with fluttering eyelashes, before I grinned wrapping an arm around her waist; securing her to my torso, as she tucked the tie beneath my coat. Her arms slid up my chest, as I let my head down securing our lips together.

We pulled away slowly, her pink lips were swollen and her eyes dreary.

"I like you," I chuckled, and she smiled before resting her head against my chest.

2. We where in Barcelona having a picnic, surrounded by a pack of dogs with no noses. Even without noses they stuck there face just about everywhere they could reach. Rose giggled happily, laying on the floor being attacked with kisses; and being trampled by the dogs.

She didn't seem to mind, as she began to pet every dog she could reach. She had to turn her head, making sure no dog could lick its way to her mouth with all her laughing.

"Help me?" Rose laughed in question, as she held her hand out to me. I took her hand as always, pulling her to her feet letting her fall against my chest with a cry of laughter. Her arms braced themselves against my chest. Before a big dog jumped against my back, which resulted in my lips pressing to her's.

Before I could react her hand's where running through my nape, as I kissed her lovingly. With a hoard of dogs circling our feet, and the sun setting.

3. We where waltzing in a prison cell, due to mix up. But the music carried itself our way, as she rested her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed her hairline, slowly leading her steps. I could feel her lips moving against my neck and I soon realized she was singing.

"You've been acting awful tough lately, smoking a lot of cigarettes lately. But inside, you're just a little baby, oh. It's okay to say you've got a week spot. You don't always have to be on top, Better to be hated than loved, loved, loved for what you're not."

I smiled at her voice, I held her body closer. Content with listening to her singing, as our lips slowly drifted closer.

"You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable; You are not a robot. You're lovable, so lovable. But you're just troubled. Guess what, I am not a robot." She continued until our lips where grazing together with each word. I smiled, I loved when she sang this to me.

I slowly let our lips finish the song, waltzing with our lips together, my small flower having to stand on my feet.

4. We where at the beach wrestling in the sand, Rose lay pinned against me and the sand. Her tan body covered in a red bikini, her hair perfectly disheveled due to the sand and salt water. The sun was setting quickly, it was as if we where in a movie.

I smiled, as her hand trailed up and down my chest. I was overcome with lust, as I smashed our lips together; lifting her hips so she lay pressed against me. Later I dragged her back to the TARDIS for a very nice shag.

5. This one was my favorite, it was simple but it meant the world to me. Rose sat comfortable on the captain's chair, as I ran around the console. Rose giggled happily, as I rambled about the next planet I was going to take her to.

"Sounds lovely Doctor," she chimed. I huffed realizing we couldn't go due to the time of year. She simply laughed, as I stared confused.

"Doctor, time machine?"

"Oh you're brilliant!" I yelled realizing she was right. I grabbed her face in my hands, before smashing our lips together in a crazed fashion. We pulled together with a smack, her cheeks a rosy pink.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora