The Pouring rain

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Rose POV:

I kept running, I tried not to fall. It was pouring rain and for all I know I'm alone running though the woods. I didn't mean to get separated from the Doctor but he's been running all his life it's so hard to keep up.

I was freezing, a short sleeve shirt and shorts are not the best thing to wear when pouring. I noticed the loud roar of an alien race the Doctor had upset was gone. Where was he? Would he just leave me like Sarah Jane said? I tried not to worry but the tears fell and I couldn't stop them from falling.

Suddenly a huge roar bellowed from behind me I couldn't help but freeze. Had the Doctor failed to save me or would he swoop in before I could get hurt? I hoped he would. It growled and walked closer with its teeth bared and blood dripping from its yellow teeth.

"Why don't you attack someone who can fight back!" A voice blared the voice I knew so well as relief filled my body he was here my Doctor was here to save my life.

Doctor's POV:

My flower was gone I had lost her after being chased by another alien like werewolf. I screamed out her name I need her I can't lose her. It's raining , actually it's pouring and my Rose is in T-shirt and shorts she was probably freezing and I am not there to hold her in my arms and keep her warm. The Werewolf howled and I knew it may have chased my Rose. I ran it was tiring but I couldn't let it get to her, I couldn't let anything take her away from me. I saw my soaking Rose just stuck staring at the creäture as I ran towards it and yelled

"Why don't you attack someone who can fight back!" She seamed a little relieved I was there. The werewolf ran at me as I used the sonic to set a pulse through its body causing it to black out "Rose!" I exclaimed running to her. My flower was crying.

Rose POV

"Rose!" He yelled and ran towards me seeing my tears and instantly whipped them away with his thumb and pulled me into his arms.He was so cold but his embrace was warm.I hugged back tightly. "We should get you back in the TARDIS your freezing." He cooed.

Doctors POV

I yelled her name and noticed her tears as I whipped them away and held her in my arms tightly " we should get you back in the TARDIS your freezing" I suggested as I picked her up bridal style and I walked her back to the Tardis in silence. I kept thinking to myself why was she crying it didn't seem like it was mostly out of fear ,My hearts raced I needed to know what had happened while I was away. Did it harm her? No, she seems alright. Finally I see the Tardis and opened the doors and sat my cold Rose down grabbing a towel and wrapping her in it."Rose go change those wet clothes aren't the best to have on while you're trying to keep warm." I said with concern which she probably noticed.

Rose POV

After he whipped my tears he carried me back to the Tardis bridal style I blushed but he was to lost in thought no notice thank god.

He scanned me a little after checking if I was alright. The Tardis came into view as he opened the doors and sat me down at the console seat and wrapped me up in a towel and told me to go change my clothes. I nodded and went to my room he seemed concerned of course I am his companion after all but nothing more sadly.

I wish he knew what happened in the other world what they turned me into I wanted to tell him but didn't know how well I had two hearts and angel wings and the time vortex in my head no human left. I liked the time angel name though and being the BÄD WØŁF . That's probably why that alien WØŁF chased me. I changed my clothes into some Tardis blue pajama bottoms and a white tang top, I dried my hair with the towel and got the blow dryer to completely dry my hair.I heard a knock on my door as I hung the towel up.

"Yes " I called as I answered the door.

It was the doctor of course he pulled me close and set his lips on mine. I blushed and wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed back.

Doctor POV:

I had changed into my black suit and waited for Rose I needed to do something I've waited so long I just had to. I was nervous but It didn't matter . I knocked on her door and heard her call out as she opened the door.

Instantly I pulled her close and pressed my lips to hers, I wondered how she would react after probably in disgust but she actually wrapped her arms around me and kissed back running her hands through my hair.My hearts boomed with pride.After the kiss ended I lifted her chin up and asked

"Rose, Love why were you crying earlier? As I held her waist close to mine.

Roses POV:

I felt his hearts beat rapidly and after he lifted my chin up to his face and pulled my waist against him and asked

"Rose, love why were you crying earlier?" I knew he wouldn't let me go till I answered and he would know if I lied.

"I grew afraid that you were just gonna leave me." I said getting teary eyed as I tried to put my head down but he wiped the tears away and held me tighter.

"I wouldn't think of it," the Doctor said with absolute honesty in his eyes. His eyes then went to concern as he again held my chin up and asked.

"Where in the universe would you get an idea like that?"

I quietly said "Sarah Jane," this instantly put hurt in his eyes.

"No love I would never think of leaving you because I - I Love you." He cooed as my hearts began to beat and he noticed and looked a little confused.

Well now or never I thought as I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest where the new heart was as he went dumbfounded and then he realized I also had two hearts suddenly he grabbed me closer and kissed my passionately as he slowly lead my back to the floor as we had a very good snogging.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя