Free Falling

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Rose's POV

The Doctor kept me behind him, as the Cyberman backed us up against a pit. It looked endless, nothing a human could survive.

"The girl is eligible for upgrade," the Cyberman repeated.

"But I won't let you upgrade her," the Doctor stated. As he held me behind him, as his arm had me pressed to his back.

I peered over my shoulder, I had to admit I was terrified. The Doctor obviously noticed, as he pulled me closer to his back.

"UPGRADE THE GIRL," it shrieked in its monotone voice. As it grabbed the Doctors shoulder, throwing him forward.

Then I did one of the craziest things in my life, I made sure I fell back. It was almost like flying, and the pressure of gravity pulling you down was mind boggling.

I knew this was most likely the end, "Goodbye Doctor," I whispered.

"No!" I heard the Doctor scream, as I looked up seeing him peer over the edge. As I went further down, it got much Darker.

It was pitch black, as my stomach was dropping. I couldn't even make out when I would hit the ground. I was full of anticipation, as my eyes watered.

I guess flying is like falling, except you have a more permanent destination. The world above was pitch black as well, as I put my hands on the back of my head.

Maybe I could save myself like this, but that's not likely anyway. It felt as if I was falling for hours, but I knew it's only been a few minutes.

Then my body slammed down onto the surface. I wasn't even sure if I was alive. I guess I wouldn't know.

Doctor's POV

"No!" I screamed, as my Rose fell. I sprinted to the TARDIS, I needed to catch her. But I was too late, her body was broken on the hard floor.

I ran to her side, she was breathing. Relief filled my body, but there was blood. I scooped her up, as if she was a child. Supporting her neck, as I ran her inside.

She was so brave, she didn't even scream as she fell. She knew what she was doing, she rather take it all, than be altered. I didn't blame her, most people may do the same.

Most of her bones were broken, it was evident. Her collar bone, her skull was even fractured. Her back was sprained badly, as the pressure of gravity broke most of her ribs.

I set my wilted flower down, as I tended to her wounds. Rose definitely was suffering of a major concussion, if I wasn't careful she could end up in a coma.

But in her most fragile state, I would be as gentle as a flower. I had checked over and over if she had any head trauma.

The TARDIS sighed, "She's fine, just extremely fragile with her emotions and physical state. Lightly shaken, that's all."

I nodded thankfully, as I sat by her side. I swooped her hair out of her face, thankfully she wasn't paralyzed.

I waited, and waited. It was rather boring, I didn't like waiting for her to wake. But Rose's slumber is something so beautiful, nothing you would want to disturb.

After four days of waiting, her breath taking eyes fluttered open. She winced lightly, when she attempted to move.

I adjusted her, so my Rose was comfy. Her eyes pierced my soul, as her bottom lip trembled. I knew her emotions where more than fragile.

I kissed her shaking lips lightly, as I kissed her forehead after. As I wiped away her stray tears.

"Stay still love," I whispered. As she barely nodded, as she stared at her bandages.

"I can't feel anything," She whimpered.

I nodded, I had her under heavy Anesthetics.

"Your under Anesthetics, I can't risk you getting hurt worse," I stated.

"Okay," she stuttered, "How long will I have to suffer like this?" She asked.

"Suffer?" I choked. She was suffering?

"Rose are you in any pain? Why are you suffering?" I fretted.

"I meant suffering as in stay in bed, and such," she sighed.

"This will take a long time, after that you still will need rehabilitation," I advised, kissing her forehead.

She began to sniffle and cry, as I knew how feeble she was at the moment. I laid beside her, as I tried to cheer her up.

"I know you didn't hear me, but when I was falling I didn't think I was going to make it. So I said goodbye Doctor," she admitted.

I was more than shocked, her last words would have been a goodbye to me. She really did care for me. But I cared deeply for her as well.

"Love, you won't be having to say goodbye to me anytime soon," I cooed.

"I love you too," she whispered. With a small smile, as my face flushed.

As I kissed her forehead, and smiled. "I love you," After I laid with her for hours, she would be okay. But no more free falling.

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