She was lost

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Doctor's POV:

Rose was gone.She had no pulse and no beat to her heart. I sat there watching her body limp on the floor unable to move due to a soldier with an eye patch like his boss Madame Kovarian, who had him cuff me to a pipe.

I didn't know her but she seemed to know me. Madame went on an on about finally getting revenge on me for stopping her. I didn't even know who she was but yet I know I didn't like her. No that's and understatement;I hated her.

She had killed my Rose. I felt like crying, she didn't get a chance she just shot her with an energy pulse gun killing her instantly. I was furious I've never felt so mad in the time that I have known Rose. The first and only thing I said was "Why?"

She laughed and looked over at me she simply replied "To hurt you".

I yelled furiously causing her and her men to jump back " Why? tell me now because you have taken something very important away from me, and if you say I have stopped you before, I will do it again and make sure you suffer for what you have done!"

I meant every word I let out.They were obviously not expecting me to say something like that.Suddenly Madame perked an eyebrow "Sadly you're chained up," She mocked and walked over to Rose's limp body.

"Get the bloody hell away from her!" I said sternly and intimidating.

"Oh you daft old man she's dead what other harm can I do to the BÄD WØŁF?" She hissed.

"Don't you dare call her that." I said with rage trying to hide my sorrow.

She obviously was thinking of something she thought would either hurt or kill me because a devious smile spread on her. Suddenly she kicked Rose's corpse hard and you could hear one of her ribs snap.

So much rage I haven't felt for a long time resurfaced. I pushed my hand farther finally reaching my sonic and undid the handcuffs. The guard tried to grab me but I hit him hard and slammed him into the wall.

His body fell to the ground I knew he was alive nearly in a coma."How dare you hurt my guard!" Madame exclaimed a little scared and taken back with my character change.

"You are not the one who should accuse me, you killed the one thing I loved the one thing I never wanted to lose and now im not gonna rest until I know she's in peace and your suffering!" I yelled grabbing the handcuffs so I could throw her in the most cruel prison in the galaxy.

"Is that what your flower would want?" She replied nervously trying to seem confident.

I grabbed her arms behind her and pulled her into the Tardis cuffing her to the rails by the door. I slowly went over to my withered flower and picked her up as if I was carrying her out of a wedding.

I let a tear fall as her head fell perfectly in place between my neck and shoulder. It was my fault I didn't protect her I thought but then I realized it was that's so-called Madame who had done this, she took her away just to hurt me. She succeeded, I lightly set Rose down in the med bay strapping her body in so it didn't move if there was any bad landings.

I walked into the console room not saying a word as Madame laughed causing my head to snap up as I yelled "Shut your bloody mouth before I do!"

She instantly looked a little scared but shook it off and replied " oh doctor you can't even save the people you love, so she deser-" "She did not deserve to die that way and everyone knows it!" I yelled cutting her off; before I snapped and a metal clamp hushed her courtesy of the TARDIS.

The Tardis landed after I pulled a few levers and punched in the coördinates. I unraveled the handcuffs so she wasn't stuck to the rail and shoved her out and yelled to the guard.

"Death penalty!" The man nodded and chucked her into a waiting cell.

"As soon as possible and make sure it hurts." I said darkly and shut the TARDIS doors and flew to Barcelona, not the city the planet. I walked out and reserved a grave for her to make sure she would be in peace, I knew I never took her here because we got carried away but I knew this was where she wanted to come the most.

I walked back and saw Rose laying there with makeup and a different outfit a Tardis blue dress and her hair pinned back with some hair hanging in the front.

The TARDIS sighed sadly as did I seeing her arms on her chest holding pure Red Rose surrounded by TARDIS blue ones. I put my hand on hers crying "Why you?anyone but you." I yelled and sobbed in frustration. I picked a Rose Red coffin with TARDIS blue padding on the inside and laid her out as I placed a kiss on her forehead saddened because of no response.

I pressed my lips on her cold ones knowing they would never kiss back. I waited an hour or so to see if she would come back to life but I knew it wouldn't happen.

The casket closed as Jackie and Mickey cried hugging me. I hugged back and the coffin lowered and whispered "Rose Tyler I love you."

Jack also looked devastated as he sat with his hands running through his hair. Mickey suddenly punched me hard.

"This is your fault you monster!" He yelled as Jack had pulled him away and Jackie hugged me saying she was sorry and she now knew how much I loved her daughter.

"Thank you for making my little girls life as wonderful as anyone could imagine."She cried hugging me tighter. Normally I didn't get along with Jackie but I hugged back and lightly replied "I'm So Sorry, I tried but the had me pulled back."

I now sobbed hugging Jackie as everyone just broke into tears.

I let them mourn more as the grave was now covered and I knew I would no longer see the person I loved.

I wished I would have told her, Oh but she knew. Or did she ever? I thought causing me to break and fall to my knees crying and pulling my hair.

"What if she didn't know?"

I whimpered. She will never know how much I love her.


Time skip two weeks later


I stood they're looking down at the grave with the tombstone reading Rose Marion Tyler. I let the mingle Red rose in my hand dropped to the grave and walked back to the TARDIS and stood looking in the door way and glanced my head back to the grave. "Rose Tyler I love you." I grieved and shut the doors.


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