It's yours

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Doctor's POV

"And the baby,"

My hearts stopped at those words, she's pregnant? Is it mine? Oh don't be daft, I know it is. 

"I can't leave you," I choked. I couldn't do that to her, I couldn't leave her all scared and alone. Raising a child, when she just stopped being one.

"I'll find away to come back, I promise you won't have to do this alone. Rose Tyler I...'' and with that said she was gone. How could this have happened? This wasn't supposed to be this way. Why didn't I see it? Why? Im a time lord, or have I become more human than I thought?

I'll come back, I always will. That's a promise I know I won't break, and nothing in the universe can stop me from doing so. Two years later, I found myself alone in the TARDIS; praying this theory is correct.

"Oh Rose i'm coming home,"

Upon arrival, I set coordinates for the Powell estate, as Pete looked up from the mailbox in shock.

"You're back!" He smiled, "Rose will be thrilled, I wonder how your daughter will react." 

"Where are they?" I smiled, barely able to contain myself.

"Rose is picking Emily up from school; needs help with her homework. You think you could do that?" Pete laughed, as Jackie opened the door. Her jaw dropped, as she hugged me tightly; for once I was more that eager to hug back.

The engine of a car quickly approached, it was a red range rover. As Rose stepped out, taking the toddler out of the car. As our eyes locked, my favorite smile was plastered on her face. Before I knew it, we were in our famous hug.

"I knew you would come back," she sniffled. Her head buried into my neck, as a little girl looked up at me from behind her. 

Her head tilted sideways, as she hugged the back of Rose's legs. I smiled knowing I had the most beautiful little girl. Her hair was the same gold as Rose's but the roots where the same as my own hair. Looking up at me, I noticed her eyes where the same as mine, but the smile was all Rose's.

Dropping to a knee, I waved lightly.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor," I introduced myself. 

"That's daddy sweetheart," Rose smiled, tears brimming in her eyes. As emily seemed  excited, and hugged my tightly.

"Daddy!" she giggled, clinging to me just like her mother usually does.

"Hi sweetheart, I heard you needed help with your homework." I chuckled, raising a slight eyebrow. She nodded, taking my hand; pulling me towards the house.

Rose's hand quickly wrapped around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"You owe me a  gift later," she purred against my ear, walking upstairs; as I was pulled to the dining room with my daughter Emily. I broad smile, absolutely stuck to my face with blush on my face and tips of my ears.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now