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Rose's POV

I sighed knowing the Doctor had left to do something while I slept, didn't he know how much that scared me? Bad things happen when the Doctor is alone, and he knows that better than anyone. I heard a wince as I could hear something hit the grate floor of the console room.

My heart broke, as I saw him on his knees a bloody mess. As he looked up at me in what seemed to be shame, lightly ducking his head he winced again. Running to his side, I dropped to my knees as I held his face in my hands.

"Doctor," I sigh, kissing his forehead as I pulled his face into my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair, as I trembled lightly. His weight became mine, as I knew it was bad but not to the point of death. I stood up lightly, as I helped him up.

As I supported his weight until I got him in my bed, he simply looked around confused. I was sad but also upset, and he knew it may be best to stay quiet. I simply walked out, returning a minute later with the medical supplies.

His lips began to move, but I simply kissed them lightly not letting him speak. The Doctor looked up confused, as I sat on the bed dabbing his wounds. Kissing his temple with every wince he let out, I saw his suit and pants torn in several places.

I sighed knowing he had more wounds under his clothes, so I knew they had to come off. I carefully pulled him up, as I rested his head under my chin, as I began to take his coat off. The Doctor wiggled out of it, stiffening when I began to undo his shirt.

He was confused, I could tell he wasn't exactly sure why I was doing all of this. More or less, maybe he was just surprised I was taking away his clothes. After his chest was bare, I tended to those wounds as well.

I continued with my method of kissing his temple with every small wince, as it was time to get rid of the pants, I slowly slid them off careful not to take his boxers with them. As the Doctor leaned back, as his face flushed.

I patched up his legs, as I took the torn and bloodied suit and went to throw them away.  The Doctor whimpered lightly as I went to the door, walking back I kissed his forehead, tucking him in with my blankets.

"Sleep," I ordered with a small sob, as I put the suit in the washing room, as the TARDIS promised to repair it.

The Doctor looked guiltly as I walked in, I sighed. I was just mad he went alone and then he got hurt because of it, I knew it wasn't entirely his fault but I knew he thought otherwise.

"Sorry," He gulped, as his eyes were pleading for forgiveness.

"I'm not mad at you like that," I sigh,  "Just upset I wasn't there to help you," 

Shaking his head no, I laid beside him fixing the blankets. As he winced trying to turn to face me, I simply rested my head on his shoulder so I didn't hurt him.

"You could have also got hurt then," He muttered, "I won't allow that,"

"Well its better if we both got hurt, I rather take any physical pain then having my heart stabbed by seeing you like this," I retort.

He winced lightly, knowing how much this was affecting me as well, as I pecked his temple.

"Sleep, you need it for once," I sigh.

As he simply nods, feeling to ashamed to sleep.

"I love you Doctor, just please stay safe, for me." I beg.

"I love you too, and I promise I will stay safe for you Rose Tyler," He chirped, wincing a bit. Earning another kiss to the temple.

With those words said, we both went to sleep. As his head now rested safely in my chest, as I smiled softly, willing to protect my Time-Lord.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now