Breaking Tradition

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey fans this is a Alien Doctor and Rose story non human Doctor and immortal Rose because of BÄD WØŁF! All picture rights go to their rightful owners.
Rose's POV:
This was the day of my wedding. My lovely dress was now fitted around my waist, by the help of Mickey's wife Martha. I had to admit when I first heard of Martha, and how she reacted about me from what Jack had told me... I was jealous, but I eventually opened up to her.

Martha's POV:
It was Roses wedding day. I felt so embarrassed to have her ask to help her prepare knowing she knows I had feelings for her soon to be husband. I questioned If we were really friends , oh no what if she thinks I will try to take the Doctor away from her.My thoughts were cut off when I noticed Rose had tears falling.

"Rose what's wrong?" I pleaded suddenly the door was being banged on by none other than the Doctor.
Doctor's POV:
I was very happy and was very impatient. I started to snoop, I know it's wrong to try to see the bride before the wedding but I at least just needed to hear her voice. I pressed my ear to the door and instantly heard Martha ask if Rose was alright and she sounded worried. I instantly panicked and started to bang at the door .

Rose's POV:
I felt so devastated, I felt helpless I was confused with everything. Something felt wrong, not the marriage but as if something was lurking and preying on me. I tried to hold my emotions in until tears fell and Martha noticed. Then the Doctor began to bang at the door , since he couldn't open it while I had his sonic to somehow help with the dress. I knew the groom is not supposed to see the bride before the ceremony itself .I ran to the door and opened it and flung myself into his chest as he tightly held me against him.

" Rose , Rose look at me , Rose please tell me what's wrong."He said with reassurance.
Doctor's POV:
Rose had opened the door and jumped into my arms hugging me tightly as I hugged her back in a protective manor. "Rose , Rose look at me , Rose please tell me what's wrong." I said reassuringly. What had gotten into her was she scared about the wedding? I was instantly scared.

"Rose if you don't want to get married I ..." "That's not it" she cried cutting me off.
Hearing her say this made relief fill the air as Martha stared confused I tilted my head towards the door and Martha understood what I meant and left as I put my hand gently under neath Rose's chin making her look up at me as I used my other hand and wiped the tears away with my thumb.

" Love you need to tell me what's wrong." I cooed scanning her face for any sign of worry ; she looked as if something was about to attack her.My hearts chilled I was now a little furious because something was scaring her and it wasn't even the wedding.Something had the love of my life cowering into my arms for protection. Which I have no problem providing.


Suddenly a voice bellowed from behind them.
"I won't regret this for sure."
Both Rose and the Doctor turned around to see a man in a tuxedo holding a gun pointed straight at the Doctor.

How? How are you alive ?! The Doctor asked confused pulling Rose behind him. "And what are you doing here?" The Doctor growled furiously at the Master!

"Really Doctor I always come back, seems like your lovely bride seemed to notice something was wrong, nice knickers by the way love." The Master chuckled looking Rose up and down while the Doctor was about ready to murder him on spot for spying on his bride while she dressed.

Suddenly a loud bang shot off and a dashing Captain Jack Harkness laughed as the Master fell to the floor unconscious. "As your best man Doctor I think you probably would appreciate me getting rid of this little problem." Jack beamed and his foot lightly kicked the Masters waist. "Yes, Yes indeed." The Doctor concluded as he and Jack hauled the master away and into a atraxie prison. Meanwhile Rose ,Martha and Donna prepared their makeup for the Wedding.
Doctor's POV :

Finally it was time for the ceremony. I tapped my foot waiting for the music to begin and my lovely bride walked down the isle. The piano started and I saw my Rose Tyler In her stunning dress which I finally got to take in the glory of seeing her in it fully with a long vail and her arm in her father Petes walking her down the isle to hand her off to me. I gently lifted her vail seeing her beauty radiate everything and she smiled with her tongue through her teeth making me grin from ear to ear. I slid the ring onto her finger and finally the words bellowed "You may kiss the bride!" And I saw tears in her eyes.My reaction turning into one of worry and I was now tearing up myself. " Don't worry their happy tears." She cooed and kissed me passionately as I took control wrapping my arms around her waist as her hands were gripped into my hair as we both had happy tears flowing down are faces.

Rose's POV
It was time. The organ bellowed as my father took my arm in his and began to walk me down the isle. I could see through the vail that the Doctor was beaming with pride that I was going to be his and his only. My father then let go and I kissed his cheek letting him know I'm always and still be his little girl even though he never had the chance to experience me as a child but he know had toby on the way so him and mum could find out what it's like having a boy. I smiled and the Doctor lifted the vail and then we placed the rings on each other's fingers . Finally the words rang in my ears " you may now kiss the bride." I was so happy I knew I would be with the Doctor forever and not even time and space could tear us apart as it had once before.I had tears falling which I saw the concern and fright appear on his face and tears nearly falling as I smiled and whispered. "Don't worry their happy tears." And pulled him into the kiss as he took control and everyone applauded.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang