Emotions change

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Hello my friends I would like to thank a wonderful fan for all of her beautiful support! Thank you isabelle1099 !

Rose's POV

We were surrounded by guards, with guns pointed at our heads. Two men both held the Doctor and I, by are arms. One of the guards slammed the Doctor on the ground, as his boot kept the Doctor's head on the ground.

I opened my mouth to scream, but was cut off, when a hand grasp my throat. I was slammed into a wall, as a sizzling substance was poured down my throat. It felt as if it was burning my throat, but the substance wasn't hot.

The Doctor couldn't see what was happening, as he struggled viciously. I tried to spit out the liquid, as it stuck to the walls of my throat, making it harder to breathe.

The grip from my neck ceased, as I hit the floor. I coughed, trying to get the substance out of my throat. The Doctor scurried to me, as he held me to his chest. He began checking my facial features, and my pulse.

"What did you give her?" He shouted angrily. The men just laughed and walked away. The leader stayed, as he mused.

"It won't harm her, but I was just wondering if you can deal with you Lovers emotions!"

The Doctor growled, and looked a little confused at the word lover. His arms kept my secure, as he picked me up. I felt groggy, as my vision blurred.

My eyes opened wearily, as I looked around. I was in the medical bay, as I laid in the bed. My arms were hooked up to IV's, and a oxygen mask was strapped to my face.

The Doctor walked in, as his hand cupped my cheek. He moved away the hair from my face, and kissed my forehead lightly. I instantly felt so cuddly, and wanted to snuggle.

I hugged the Doctor, as he hugged back, minding my IV's. I nuzzled my head into his neck, trying desperately to get more attention.

Doctor's POV

I walked into the medical bay, as I saw Roses eyes open. I cupped her face, removing the strands of blond from her face. She instantly hugged me, as she snuggled against my body.

I was hesitant to hug her back, but did it anyway. She buried her head in my neck, as I started undoing the IV's. She cuddled against me, as I slid the mask off of her beautiful face.

Her lips collided with mine, as she wrapped her legs around me. Her hand held my hair tightly, as I was compressed against her. I pulled us apart, she instantly curled up hiding. She cried.

"Sorry," She sobbed.

She hid herself with the thin white blanket, as she was curled up beneath me. I soon realized what exactly that elixir had done to her. Also that mans taunt of my 'lovers' emotions. It had made her very emotionally unstable.

Her whimpers hurt me, I knew I had to comfort her. I rubbed her back gently, and pulled her body onto my lap.

"No, Rose you did nothing wrong. No don't be sorry, its alright. I'm sorry I pulled away, you just didn't give me enough time to adjust." I encouraged.

As I suspected, she instantly was happy. She flung her arms around my neck, as she laughed into my shoulder. As she hugged me tightly, and snuggled closer to me.

I picked her up lightly, as I carried her off to the library. I sat her down as I cuddled her into a blanket. The TARDIS had set some warm tea down, I handed it to her as she sipped it lightly.

After some time of cuddling, she seemed tired. Her body seemed to get progressively lighter, as her yawns became more frequent. Yet another stage, exhaustion. I kissed her now sleeping forehead.

The man, I defiantly had proved him wrong. He said I couldn't handle my lovers emotions. Well I love her dearly, and her feeling meant the world to me. I suppose in the morning she will be feeling like her self again. At least I hope so.

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