Lively meanings in letters

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Doctor's POV

It hard been years, I traveled alone. I wanted my Rose, but she had a new me now. I sighed, wanting to see how she was doing. She showed me love, something I thought I didn't need any longer.

I cursed to myself, in my native tongue. I ran my fingers through my hair, needing to know she was okay. The TARDIS hummed sadly, as on the screen it showed a grave. My hearts sunk as I read the name.

"Rose Marion Tyler."

Tears fell, as I saw she died only two months after she had been given a chance at life with the meta-crisis me.

"How?" I choked.

The TARDIS dropped a letter into my hands, as she hummed sadly.

"I didn't think It was right to give this to you," she hummed.

I stared at the envelope, as in blue ink it read "Doctor,"

I opened it carefully, not wanting to rip anything. It was a long letter, and it scared me. When did Rose write this? My eyes scanned the page as I began to read it. I fell back in my chair, in anticipation.

Dear Doctor,

I'm sorry, I failed you. I couldn't do it, I tried so hard. You asked for me to fix you once more, but I was failing miserably. Letting my emotions give way, I couldn't even speak. He then took the TARDIS, and began to live a life with Reinette. I felt so lost, I knew I had lost you both. I couldn't take any more pain, I resulted in harming myself. But even then it didn't compare to my feelings. It felt like I was possibly dying everyday. But I kept hope, in the thought death would be comfort. I felt bruised and broken, but I couldn't find away. I knew you wouldn't come back for me, why would you? I'm only a human , the TARDIS still linked with my mind showed me my death. I hate to admit, I cried with excitement. But with every hope in my mind, It also showed me how it would feel. I was more than pleased. I watched over and over, thinking of sweet release. Doctor do tell me, what was the point in life? When dying was the only thing that helped. People always told me, follow your dreams, reach for the stars. Life is only a dream, a misconception of false hope. Thinking to make a mark before it all ended. But dreams are only an illusion, a goal to try to score as we battle through life. But Nightmares are dreams too, why did my nightmares become my hope? I feel like I've gone mad, I feel like on onlooker trying to find peace in others dreams, like yours. But I mustn't fit in your dream, if I did we would really have are forever, wouldn't we? Why was it me? Why was I so foolish? Doctor please explain! Why did I fall in love with you, when I somehow knew I would loose you? You knew you would loose me, didn't you? Was I nothing but a pawn to you? Just a worthless girl, whose emotions you could taunt? All these things, but yet I knew I loved you. I hoped, I hoped you would carry my concerns away, as we flew happily though all of time and space. But I knew you would move on, after you where through with me. I was pretty much just your guide, to help you around. Until you were done, and found someone else. Its alright I understand, what is a shop girl like I doing? Falling in love with a God! I don't know, and I never will. My dear Doctor, I love you so. Don't forget me, but by the time you read this. I bet you already will have. I love you.

Sincerely ,

Rose Tyler

My hands trembled, as I sobbed. I fell onto my knees, ripping out my hair, screaming.

"I-I I LOVE YOU! I-I co-uld n-n-nev-er f-orget y-ou," I sobbed, half screaming. After hours of my crying, and confessions of love and anguish ended. I pondered, how did my flower end it all?

Tears falling from my eyes, I yelled harshly, knowing the TARDIS was reading my thoughts.

"SHOW ME!" I shouted, slamming my fist onto the console. My eyes glued to the screen. The TARDIS hummed sadly as the video began. Rose sat on a chair, her body bruised and broken. A rope hung above her, tied with a loop. Tears fell from her lids, as she smiled weakly.

She stood up, wrapping it around her neck. As she kicked the chair out from under her. After several seconds, of light gasping, her body hung rocking back and forth. The rope, having left marks on the skin, as It began to bleed.

Her skin pale, as tears resided on her gentle face. After about thirty minutes of her body growing paler, I heard a scream. As a mans voice said "oh my god,"

Jackie stared at her daughter, as pete got her down from the ceiling. They sobbed holding her lifeless body. Soon after the police arrived as they took my delicate and fragile flower away.

I couldn't move, my head falling against the console.

"Why? Why wasn't I there for you? I didn't want to loose you, and look what I did. Why didn't I bring you back home? Why didn't I show you I loved you?" I bawled.

Why? was all I could ask myself. But I knew the answer already, I just couldn't except it. I already knew the outcome but I prayed for a different way. But there was no second chances in death, something I knew all to well.

"I'm coming," I whispered. As I dug out a crate from underneath the TARDIS floor grading. I opened it, finding the pistol Wilfred had gifted me. I raised it to my temple. As I asked the TARDIS to stop the regeneration energy, she hummed sadly accepting my command.

"My love, Rose. You will never have to be apart from me again, I promise,"

That being said, I pulled the trigger.

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