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Rose's POV
"Hey Doctor, you know what's coming up soon?" I teased.

"Why yes, Halloween!" The Doctor chirped.

"So what do you time-lords do for Halloween?"

"It's more of a human thing, not exactly for us." He sighed.

"Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense. So what should we be?" I dwell, pondering some couples outfits. Knowing he probably wouldn't agree, and would end up wearing a large scarf or something.

"Probably a Doctor," he replies. Almost seeming upset, causing me to grow worried.

"You are a Doctor, but okay. Hey I could be a nurse!" I giggle, as the Doctor blushed, turning his head away quickly.

"Sounds great,"

He set coordinates quickly, as we ran into the costume shop. I stared at the way to revealing ones, unsure of what to get.

Maybe if I got the tight and short one it would draw his attention more. But he'd probably just get scared and hide.

I grabbed a small white nurse outfit, as the Doctor was checking out some Doctor's outfits. Several children and their parents were running around, screaming at the decorations. Some even crying.

I remember when I was that young, terrified of everything having to do with this Holiday. Having to deal with it, without having a father to help me.

But I soon realized I had to be strong, and look where that's got me! Traveling with an Alien, saving the world. Facing the scariest things you could ever imagine. It truly had paid off, especially with the Doctor by my side.

"Rose? You alright?" The Doctor asked, looking down at my slightly teary eyes. I just nodded, as he paid for the costumes. His arm around my waist, until we got to the TARDIS.

"Rose are you sure you're alright?" He pleaded, his arms on my shoulders.

"Yes Doctor, I was just a little lost in thought. Nothing to worry about." I insisted, as he hesitantly nodded.

"Well let's go trick or treating then!" He exclaimed, obviously in hopes of lightning the mood. I nodded, running off to get dressed, him doing the same.

As soon as I finished, I strutted into the console room. Only for the Doctor to gulp loudly, his cheeks bright red. I laughed at the reaction, before I grabbed his hand.

Pulling him out of the TARDIS house to house, with our blue little bags, which where bigger on the inside obviously.

"We should go all over the world, getting different types of candy!" I mention. As his face lightened up.

"That's a brilliant idea," he jumps. As we run off into the TARDIS. Trick or treating all over the world. About half way through the night, the Doctor's arm stayed secured around my waist. His White lab coat on my shoulders, as we run back to the TARDIS.

"So how was human trick or treating?" I ask.
"Quite fun, you humans and all your traditions." He smiles, kissing my forehead. Leaving me to blush, and look down.

"Rose, you know I'll protect you, don't you?" He asks. As I smile weakly nodding, to which he smiled back.

"Good, now Rose Tyler. I think you could use some rest. We can go get some breakfast In the morning, Paris sound good?"

"Lovely, it sounds lovely Doctor," I smile. Skipping back to my room. Hanging up the Doctor's coat on the hook, and slipping into some jim-jams.

Soon I drifted into sleep, rather content with the nights events. Also all the candy I would get to eat over my travels, luckily I have my toothbrush with me. Can't travel the universe without dental hygiene!

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