A thousand years

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Jack's POV (It's a must to listen to John sing a thousand years!)

 The Doctor surely knew how to plan a date, of course he did just get Rose back. I instantly accepted when he had asked me to do this for him, but I couldn't say no especially after he told me his intentions for the night. Rose would surely be happy, the Doctor would most likely be a nervous wreck but I wouldn't let that get in his way.

Barcelona was truly a beautiful planet, especially with all the decorations he'd set up. He even made a stage, I certainly don't take that screwdriver for granted because this would have taken me a long time by myself! The sky was dark, but orange lanterns lit up the sky along with several galaxies which made themselves known to the planet with their extravagant colors.

They're was a round table with a simple white cloth on it, clearly only for two along with a small rose in a vase. The Doctor and Rose came hand in hand, as Rose wore a short dark purple dress while the Doctor's normal brown suit was now a deep black tuxedo.

Rose's eyes widened when she saw me, as she ran to give me a hug. I easily accepted hearing the Doctor laugh from behind, as Rose giggled contentedly while snuggling back into the Doctor's side.

"Now what have you two got planned for tonight?" She asked, smiling with her tongue through her teeth.

"This way," I laugh, leading them to the table. Rose glanced back at the Doctor with a smile, easily taking his hand. The Doctor being the true gentleman he always is, he pulled out her chair before scooting her chair back in. Rose smiled, gesturing to his seat when the Doctor forgot to sit down.

I chuckled raising an eyebrow, before running off to get them some water. This waiter's outfit is quite nice, wonder if Ianto would like it, I'll have to ask him when I get back home. I was quick to give them the water, as they laughed staring at me.

"Now any wine for the lovely couple?" I ask, waggling my eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"Red wine please," They said simultaneously. Suddenly blush appeared on their features, Rose looking away in embarrassment only to earn an adoring smile from the Doctor.

"Alright you two," I laugh, sauntering away to fill their wine glasses.

The two laughed, I could hear Rose ask him something. Most likely what they're doing here, and what's the occasion. I brought the wine and steak back, along with some bread sticks and other side dishes.

"Thank you Jack," Rose praised, with a nod from the Doctor.

"No problem Rosie!" I smile. I sat at a nearby piano, playing an easy but loving tune waiting for the Doctor's que. The two seemed like they where enjoying themselves, I've never seen the Doctor so happy but he always was happy when Rose was with him.

Who could blame him? She made him a better person, and made sure he realized he was never bad to begin with. I smiled when I saw the Doctor rose up from his seat while kneeling in front of Rose; her hand covered her mouth, as he carefully took the other.

"Rose Tyler, I would be honored if you'd take my love from both my heart's and soul. By becoming my bride and allowing your heart to love mine as I love yours, and let me take you as my own, and you take me as yours. Will you Rose Tyler marry me?" The Doctor asks, his normally protected stance was so vulnerable. The menacing god so in love with the small human who held his heart's in her hands.

She nodded instantly, the Doctor smiled brightly sliding the golden ring along her finger. It was obvious she was crying of happiness, because the Doctor lovingly wiped them away. Before she launched herself into his arms, as he twirled the human in his arms.

That's when I knew it was my que, as I pulled off my overcoat, leaving me in a white dress shirt, black vest and black dress pants. Damn I looked fine, but hey this wasn't my night, it was theirs. The Doctor led Rose to the middle of the dance floor, as he pulled her into a waltz.

"Heart beats fast, colors and promises, how to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away some how. One step closer," I sang, earning a smile from Rose and a grateful look from the Doctor.

The Doctor adjusted his grip, pressing her lower back to him. While threading his fingers through her hair, keeping her close to his chest. It was obvious the flower was on cloud nine, as she rested closer to her Doctor.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you; For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more,"

The Doctor's eyes closed, as the couple swayed to the music I was so generously providing. I couldn't help but smile though, the TARDIS certainly was about to get a lot more domestic.

"Time stands still, beauty in all she is, I will be brave, I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me; Every breath, every hour has come to this, one step closer,"

I could see the Doctor tense, he obviously took the lyric to his heart's, wanting to desperately keep a promise to protect Rose; even more so now that they are married.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you; For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more,"

Rose seemed to notice, as she traced his spine. Kissing his cheek, before resting her hand and head on his heart's.

"And all along I believed I would find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more; one step closer, one step closer,"

The Doctor visually calmed, while kissing her lips lovingly. Before dropping his head to her shoulder, and kissing the exposed skin.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you; For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more;And all along I believed I would find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more," I finished, setting the two just sway to the music I produced with the piano's keys.

He truly does love Rose, I know he has always loved her. Let's hope he does for a thousand more, but even I know she will never leave his hearts.

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