101 Dalmatians

220 14 11

John's POV

I stared on out my owners window, in the small London flat we shared. Jack my owner is always so consumed to his work, but could obviously do with some help and affection. Of course I was alone too, but no one really listens to a dog. Being the dalmatian I was Jack couldn't understand my pleas to find a loving mate, he could do good with one himself.

The couples who past with their dogs didn't appeal to me much at all, and certainly not to Jack. A scruff looking man passed with an extremely shaggy dog, then an older brunette with a female jack Russel terrier. My eyes widened as I saw a sharply dressed man walking a beautiful female dalmatian. I wouldn't find them again, I had to act fast luckily they headed towards the park.

I barked loudly, latching my teeth in Jack's sleeve until he got up from his desk.

"Alright, alright Johnny boy we can go for a walk." Jack laughed, attaching my leash to my collar and letting me pull him out the door not giving his a chance to light his pipe.

"Slow down John, there's no hurry." Jack smiles, as I saw him stop when he spotted the man and the dalmatian. Of course his eyes where on the human, while mine where on the dog. She was obviously smaller than I, her collar was a light pink and her eyes where one of a fawn's.

She blushed when our eyes met, as she quickly turned away nuzzling her owner's leg. He reciprocated by petting her softly, as Jack easily approached the two.

"Hello, Jack Harkness," he introduced with a wink, earning a blush from the man.

"Ianto, Ianto Jones," He introduced, while shaking Jack's hand.

"You have a nice dog, normally don't find many other's with Dalmatians." Ianto smiles, petting my head softly.

"John's a pretty good dog, very loyal. It's funny I don't think I've ever seen a female dalmatian, she's a cutie." Jack smiles, letting the girl sniff his hand before letting him pet her.

"Rose is a very sweet girl, very protective of what's her's though." He laughs, while Rose hesitantly took a step toward's me.

"I think she likes him," Ianto chuckles, as she snuggled against my neck.

"I think I like you," Jack smiles, earning a smile from the man and a nod. Life was great then on after, we lived together in a small house awaiting Rose's litter. Rose huffed, snuggling into my side.

"You alright my love?" I ask, concerned for both her and the pups.

"Yes John, dogs have had puppies long before out time. I'll be okay," she encourages, licking my cheek. A large car engine roared causing Rose to jump, she fled in fear. I was instantly confused into Ianto came in from the kitchen.

"Jack get down here, Ms. Jones is here!"

"You mean Harriet Jones?" Jack asks, while peaking his head out from the door.

"Yea," he replies, as our house keeper Martha brought out the tea.

"Tea for you Jack?" She asks, while handing a cup to Ianto.

"No I'm good," Jack smiles, while the doorbell rang. Martha hurried to open the door, as the door had her crushed between the wall. I growled as she came barging in, as I sat in front of Ianto in a protective way.

"Ianto Darling! Where are they? Where are the little things?" She ask's, searching around for something, anything.

"Where is what?" Jack asked, walking down the stairs.

"The puppies of course!" She exasperated as if they where the only answer to her question. My eyes widened, what did she want with our puppies? They aren't even born yet!

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