Princess Rose

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John 's POV

She is so beautiful, but theres several other princes she would most likely prefer. It's time for her to pick a suitor, she wouldn't dare pick me. I have barely anything to offer, just me. I have fought and lead fierce battles, who would want a monster as their prince, their king?

I watched as she met plenty of worthy princes's, kissing her hand and bowing on there knees. I saw as she began to approach me, as I got on a knee taking her hand, with a soft kiss. 

"Your Majesty,"

I could feel myself getting lost in her eyes, as I slowly rose to my feet. Rose smiled warmly at me, as she bowed, and went to the next. It hurt to see her go, but we had to go through this process. Then it was the dances, and it was my turn next.

Rose rested her head against my shoulder half way through, which was beyond customary. She did this with no other after, as dirty looks came from several princes directed at me.

"Pardon, my daughter has seemed to be taking a liking to you. She has decided she wants you to be the next king. You have my permission. " King Pete addressed me.

Gaps where heard, as some prince's began to cry, while others stormed out. 

"Thank you, your majesty," I praise, while I walk cautiously to Rose, as her hands take mine. I smile as I get on a knee, as she lovingly looked down at me.

"My love, Princess Rose. Will you do me the honor of being my queen, and I your king?" I ask, as she smiles.

"Yes, I will. Prince John my love," She chimes, as I slide the ring on her finger. We stood side by side, as her lips pressed to my cheek, causing me to blush madly.

The kingdom cheered as we waved from the balcony, her lovely wedding dress blowing behind her. As our crowns shined with the sun. 

"Come John," Rose asks, as I follow my queen. We walk to our chambers, as she pulls us into a waltz, as I quickly take lead. Rose's head against my chest, as she sings quietly to me.

"My love, when I say my heart is yours, you believe me, don't you?" I ask, as she nods. Her lips colliding with my neck. Rose was very well mannered, but her affections. No queen would ever do such things, only when trying to bare a child. But she just showed as much as she could towards me, and I loved it.

"Yes love, and you have mine. I will prove that to you any chance I have," She whispers, her hand on my face as our lips touched.

"I quite enjoy that," I admit, blushing ear to ear; As she giggled, and began to sway. Hours of slow dancing passed, with small kisses here and there. As I was more than proud of myself, I have a lovely kingdom along with the love of my life.

Her heart so big, and when she saw me she didn't see a broken man, but a man she wanted to love for the end of her days. I couldn't ask for anything more, I had my queen, the only thing I will ever need. Rose giggled, pulling me to bed.

As we rested, her body protected with mine. As I promised to cherish her forever.

"Goodnight Love, my king," She yawned.

"Goodnight my Queen, my precious Rose,"

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