hate the feeling

336 30 16

Doctor's POV

"Rose, please," I begged. Rose has been ignoring me for days, but why? What did I do wrong? Did I even do something wrong? Should I ask her? No that may make things worse. Rose simply walked away, as I followed.

"Rose, why are you ignoring me?" I asked, while she sat down with a book. I was running out of ideas, so I rested my head on her lap. Not even a flinch, as she calmly flipped the page. I couldn't take any more of this.

I yanked the book from her hands, as I slammed my lips to her's, nothing. Not even a kiss back, as her eyes were trained down.

"Rose, tell me now," I commanded. I wasn't going to have this, I was not going to let her ignore me this way. I needed her opinion, and her everything to be precise. Throwing Rose over my shoulder, I carried her to my bedroom.

If she wasn't even going to protest, might as well have myself a human teddy bear. I plopped her on the bed, tackling her into the blankets. As I held her to my chest tightly, my chin on her head. I got nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Rose stop this, you're driving me crazy," I admitted. As I kissed her hairline, and crown of her head. As I sniffled, my eyes tearing up.

"You really just hate being ignored, don't you?" Rose asked, as her arms wrapped themselves around me.

I nodded, into her hair. "Don't you dare ignore me like that again," I sniffle. Next thing I know, she had pulled me into her chest.

"Sorry, I was just testing a theory," She sighed, her hand rubbing my back. As the other tangled in my hair, as she kissed my head.

"What theory," I ask, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

"It's just that, I'm human.... I can't give you a forever, only mine. What would happen if you lost me?" She explained, tears welling up in her eyes. I gently caught her stray tears, as I pulled her closer into my chest.

"That won't happen for a long time, and maybe we can find a way. So you can give me a forever," I rambled. Terrified, what would I do without her? Who would I be without her? I'd be so lonely, she makes me whole.

But she's right, someday I will most likely loose her. It's just not fair, why can't I keep her forever? Why does she have to leave me? I don't ever want to be alone, but now thinking about this. Even with her in my arms, I know I'm alone.

"Doctor, I love you," She sobbed. I nodded into her hair, I did love her. But I couldn't say it back, because it would just hurt me even more. Rose knew this, as she didn't get upset when I didn't say it back.

The next day we went to visit Jackie, weird thing was the ghost. Something bad was going to happen, but for once in my life I didn't know what. It scared me, as I wanted to stay desperately close to Rose. But I sent her away for safety.

But no, Rose came back to help me. My lovely Rose, as her hands let go. My hearts broke, as pete saved her. She was at least safe, but I was never to see her again.

"If I have one last chance to say it, Rose tyler..."

She was gone, it was all gone. Rose was right, I hate being ignored, especially by her. But her little test, it in a way prepared me, for the worst. Now I guess its time to face my fears, without Rose by my side.

I was alone.

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