Laser tag TARDIS

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Rose's POV

"Doctor I'm rather bored," I admitted. As I hugged him, snuggling into his chest.

"Well we can't have that! Now can we?" The Doctor, smirked mischievously. As his lips connected with mine. I lovingly kissed back, as I looked up at him.

"What do you want to do then?" He asked, wiggling his brows at me. I made a small face, as if I was thinking.

As I jumped up, "Can we play laser tag?" I asked, jumping up and down with excitement. The Doctors face light up, as he shouted, "Allons-y!" He dragged me to a TARDIS room, as the vest, and laser guns were lined up.

He handed me the black and pink equipment, as he got suited up with the black and blue equipment. The TARDIS went pitch black, as the secondary colors on are vest shined.

I could see the blue rings, on the Doctors outfit. As strobe lights lit the TARDIS up.

"I will give you a minute to run," The Doctor chuckled. I ran as far as I could, as I hid behind a counter. I saw the Doctor pass by, looking around. I shot the light at his back, as it flashed.

"Dammit!" He muttered. I giggled, him finding me. I ran, as he got me. I ran away, as I could here him behind me. It went dead silent, as I panted leaning against the wall.

I was tired, but that didn't matter. I didn't know if the Doctor knew were I was. Of course he did, he always did. I was suddenly tackled, as the Doctor was on top of me.

I squirmed, as my laser gun was out of my reach. The Doctor chuckled, pinning my hands together above my head. His lips, latched onto mine, as I was rather helpless to his actions.

As the kiss broke, his lips traced my neck. His free hand held my hair, arching my neck even more. His knee pushing further between my legs, as I squirmed holding back moans.

He nibbled my ear, letting go of my hair. I panted in his ear, not aware of anything we were doing before. As he licked my ear, mumbling.

"Got you," He chuckled deviously, as my vest flashed. As it flashed over and over. I struggled, remembering that we were in the middle of laser tag match.

"No fair," I pouted. Looking up at him, as our lips got closer. His barriers went down, as he let my arms go. I wrapped my legs around him, I was going to play this game too.

I entangled my hands in his hair, as he dropped the laser gun. Tracing my hips, with his hands. I kept my TimeLord against me with my legs, as I finally got my hands on my blaster.

I shot his back to the max limit. As the TARDIS signified I had won the game, the lights went back to the normal state. The Doctor still on top of me, stared down at me, desire in his eyes.

"I got you, didn't I?" I laughed, pushing him off. He mumbled something incoherent, as I set my equipment down where we had gotten them. The Doctor set his down, as he slammed me against the wall, kissing me senseless.

He soon wrapped my legs around his torso, as his lips dropped back down to my neck, and once again to my lips. I wrapped my arms around him, tugging him closer, by his outrageous hair.

"You're quite the sore loser, aren't you?" I questioned.

"No, I just think the winner deserves her prize."

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now