Porcelain dreams

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Doctor's POV

These same dreams reoccurred ever since I met Rose tyler. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Rose. Her skin porcelain glass, sometimes they were pleasant but some were not. To me Rose was fragile, I assumed thats why I saw her this way in my dreams.

I remember crying some nights, as I imagined her falling and shattering into pieces. As my hands began to bleed, desperately trying to put my lover back together. Another time it was my fault, I held her so tightly she broke in my arms.

I couldn't decide whether or not to tell her about theses dreams. After analyzing them in my brain for hours I could only think off too things. Maybe I'm smothering her? Maybe I just wasn't protecting her enough.

I couldn't deicide what was the meaning, it was either to much or not enough. Tossing and turning, I decided I needed to check on Rose. Creaking the door slightly, I stared at her sleeping face. I knew she wasn't glass, but her beauty was always preserved as if she was.

I let my knuckle trace her cheek, as she leaned to my touch. The image of her shattering hurt, I needed to hold her. But what if I broke her? I didn't know what to think anymore, as I kicked off my trainers crawling in the bed.

I could always explain to her in the morning, as I cradled her into my arms drifting to sleep. I squirmed, tugging the warm body closer. As I felt her wiggle lightly, not ready to awaken from my own slumber.

"Doctor," Her quiet voice whispers, as I felt her caress my face. My eyes began opening slowly, as Rose looks up at me with a smile.

"You okay?" she asks, cuddling into my chest in reassurance.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I lie, but ask in curiosity.

"You never come and sleep in my bed. Unless something is wrong, so stop lying and tell me whats wrong," Rose lectures. As her fingers comb through my hair, my snuggling closer in response.

"Ive been having rather obscure dreams, and I guess I came in here to make sure, well that you were you." I explain.

Rose giggled, "Yes I'm me. So what's been happening in your dreams?"

"Well you're porcelain. Its odd, yes personally you're gentle. Something sacred, so I don't know if thats why I keep thinking like that. But sometimes you break, and I can't fix you. Also sometimes its my fault," I sigh, holding her tightly.

"Doctor I'm nothing sacred, but its nice that you see me that way. But Doctor, if I 'broke' I know you would be the only person to fix me. Even if you where the one who broke me, I know you wouldn't hurt me purposely Doctor," Rose cooed.

As her lips pecked mine, as she cradled herself in my arms.

"But you are sacred, and Rose Tyler I will always fix you," I whisper.

"I know you will, but Doctor I'm only human. Nothing that could be as sacred as Porcelain itself." Rose sighs.

"You're just asking me to put you on a shelf for display, aren't you?" I chuckled, burying my face in her golden strands of hair. The ones that I often tucked behind her ear, as she blushed madly.

"I don't think I could fit on a shelf," she laughed, as her head positioned in my neck. I laughed along with her, nodding into her hair.

"Display case?" I ask, muffled by her hair. As she burst into giggles, shaking her head no again. As her hands placed themselves on my hearts. As I know knew what the dreams meant, I had something so precious that I needed to protect.

Even if something gets scraped, or cracked. I could always put her back together, even if it hurts me to do so.

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