Only in her head

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Rose's POV

The room was pitch black, while my body was tied tightly to a chair. My body shook, I knew what they were doing.

They planned on traumatizing me, make me afraid of anything I could possibly imagine. I could see my breath; while I shivered.

Banging echoed off the walls, as black scurrying shadows appeared in the corners of my eyes.

"It's not real," I tell myself. But the gag muffled it all. My throat began to feel hoarse, as if I tried to make a sound nothing could possible come out.

My attempts to scream where useless as nothing came out. My heart was pounding, as my head began to feel heavy.

"No one cares; you're not okay; you're mind is real; times running out; you can't escape what's inside, don't even try. You're not fast enough."

Those words echoed inside my head, while sweat or blood possibly dropped down my face. The rising feeling of blood came up my body. As if I was internally bleeding.

Was I? Where was I? Who did I come here with? I didn't know, fear was rising in my heart. Shrieks of laughter and screams clouded my ears.

You're alone, always alone valiant child. You're in your head, your deepest darkest fears; which you will never escape. Don't cry for help; you can't help yourself anymore.

I shook my head no, fighting anything I could back. Hands where around my throat, as my eyes squeezed shut.

Sharp pains stabbed me in all directions, as the bonds which held me seemed to have disappeared but I was stuck.

Loud crashing a crowded the air, as my heart felt as if it stopped or skipped a beat momentarily.

The world ached, it was useless. I was useless, alone, lost myself. I'm alone, I'm lost. Unimportant, weak, going to die.

Tears fell, or blood. It felt to thick to be tears fell from my eyes.

Doctor's POV

This spaceship was huge, how was I going to find Rose? They knew we're here, and there after us. Did they find her? If so what are they doing to her?

I ran quickly not caring if I was caught, that was the plan really. Quickly I was caught by the large skinny throned aliens.

"Where's my companion?" I ask, as one chuckled.

"I can't really explain mentally where she is, but physically yes."

"What do you mean by that?" I shout, worried for my pink and yellow companion.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Trauma is good for some things, she's taking it better than most. Well... From what we can tell that is." It sneered.

"Stop, don't you dare do anything else to her!"

"Oh but we aren't doing anything; she's doing it to herself. We just gave her a slight push." It growled.

I quickly noticed its skin, water, water could stun it. Immobilize it, and I can get Rose.

Roses water bottle, she had me hold her water bottle. I smiled inwardly, yanking it from my pocket; dowsing the alien. While pouring it into its mouth as well.

"Rose!" I yelled, running through the log hallways; yanking every door I could open. Until I saw her. Her head was hung, strapped tightly down to a chair.

Sweat covered her skin, as a clothed gag held her mouth shut. Her eyes closed tightly, her body shaking lightly.

I knew I had to be careful, if I wasn't she could hurt herself even more. Her mind was delicate, and anything could be going on.

I quietly walked in front of her, dropping to my knees. Untying her bonds, and gag. Her eyes lightly fluttering open.

"It's me Rose, it's me." I whisper. As her nodded lightly, but her eyes looked so far away. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, tugging her into my arms. As she suddenly gripped in tightly, shaking and sobbing into my shoulder.

"I got you love, Rose I have you it's okay," I cooed; carrying my companion of the safety of the TARDIS.

"Rose?" I whisper, my hands gently moving the strands of hair from her face.

"Cold....hurts," she mumbled, looking down.

"I know love," I whispered, pulling her into my arms.
"I know it hurts, just calm down love. I got you, I always have you; I promise," I encouraged. She simply nodded, trying to let her body relax by giving all her weight to me.

I didn't mind it at all, I simply encouraged it. Then turned the warm air up, as I massaged her tense body. As we both snuggled into my bed, her body clinging to mine.

"I'll protect you I promise, Rose I can fix all this. But you just have to let me."

Rose nodded back, as my hands went on her temples. I was shocked at the darkness that was overtaking her.

I held my hand out in her mind, as she took it and we ran.

"I'll protect you,"

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now