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Doctor's POV

"Doctor," Rose whispered. As she hugged me tightly, her heart racing faster than it normally should. Our latest adventure wasn't anything that could scare her like this, but this particular planet had a dosage of adrenaline in the air. Her human body was far to fragile to take such a dosage, while Rose had to deal with its effects.

"Rose you need to calm down, okay." I cooed, running my fingers through her golden strands. Her fingers were digging into my shoulder's, while her trembling body began hyperventilating. I took her face in my hand's, her lovely eyes weren't filled with fear; but filled with such helplessness my heart's began to ache at the sight.

My forehead met her's as our lips were so close, I wanted her to feel safe and this is the only way I knew how. My lips met her's as she kissed back harder, channeling all her adrenaline into the kiss. Her hand's left my shoulder's to run her finger's through my hair.

"I have you," I murmur against her lips. She nodded, her body still trembling in such a disheartening way. Her shaking hand's found their way to my heart's; her body still shook but her palms stood still against the steady beating of my heart's.

We sat like that for a while, our foreheads pressed together and her hand's on my heart's. My poor Rose couldn't stop shaking, it was obvious how tight her chest was since her breathing was somewhat reserved and rugged.

My hand's were tightly around her waist, her shirt rose a little allowing me to feel the goosebumps on her lower back. I could see them on her arms as well, she whimpered lightly small tears now falling. I quickly pulled her into my chest, I couldn't watch her cry because I wouldn't be able to stop myself from joining her.

"It's beating so fast it hurts," Rose cried into my shoulder. My body went still, it hurts? My eyes widened, before I picked her up running into the medical bay. It probably wasn't good for her when I rushed her there. I was going mad while figuring out any way to bring her adrenaline rush down.

Rose tested her feet on the floor, before standing and hugging me tightly. I gripped back tightly, noticing her hand's returning to my heart's. I smiled weakly, noticing her erratic heart beats only went down when she placed her hand's on my own.

It wasn't enough but it did keep her at bay, my calmness was the thing grounding her and that fact swelled my heart's with such pride. She needed sleep, that would calm her. But getting someone on an adrenaline rush to sleep is like asking Jack not to flirt with someone. It just didn't work without help.

"Let's see if you can go to sleep, it will help I promise." I recommend. While leading her down the hall, her hand went out for her door handle. I took her hand again leading her away from the door, she looked at me confused. I chuckled lightly, as I took her to my room.

Her eyes widened at the gesture, before she blushed. Her body began to calm, as she engulfed herself with my blankets. I went to turn out the lights, hearing her whimper.

"Don't leave," she whimpered. I nodded, and tuned out the light before laying beside her. Rose buried her face into my chest, listening to my heart's.

"I won't ever leave," I promise. Not again, I won't leave her like that again. The rest of the night proceeded with light touches, soft word's and a protective hold until my companion finally fell asleep.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now