Teddy bear

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Rose's POV

I'm going to die in battle, the Doctor told me it lied, but I couldn't believe him. I was terrified, I just wanted to cling to the Doctor and never let go. The Doctor was so reassuring, but he already told me I would be fine. There was no use in nagging him, about how scared I really was.

"I'm going to bed, night Doctor." I blurted not wanting to sound scared. I walked back to my room, as soon as I was out of the Doctor's view I ran into my room.

I cried my heart out, as my back held the door shut. My tears slowed after an hour or so, I sniffled hugging my knees.

The next few weeks I did this, I was so scared. I made sure the TARDIS, didn't tell the Doctor. I couldn't seem weak, he may abandon me saying I can't handle the adventures.

The Doctor and I went to my mums house, she hugged me as if she would never let go. The Doctor just plopped on the couch.

"So what have you been up to?" My mum asked.

"I rather have the Doctor explain, I will be back in an hour." I advised, I walked out the door leaving them both confused.

I could hear them shouting, but I already hopped into the cab. We drove to the streets, as I paid the driver. I strolled into several stores, I wanted something to hug at night. I felt like a child, but then again I only just turned into a adult.

I saw a TARDIS blue stuffed animal. It had little glasses, and a brown suit and trench coat. I instantly bought it, it looked so much like the Doctor. I checked the tag, I laughed at the tag and knew the TARDIS did this.

"TARDIS toys, Rose this is for you. Hopefully this will do for now."

I smiled and walked back home to the TARDIS, I had the bear hidden in my bag.

Both the Doctor and Jackie ran to me as I was unlocking the TARDIS door.

"Where in the bloody hell did you go?" Jackie asked.

"Well that's a way to talk to your daughter." The Doctor muttered. Jackie instantly turned and slapped him.

"Ow," he muttered rubbing his cheek.

"Mum! Don't slap him." I shouted. I took his hand and pulled us into the TARDIS. Jackie banged at the door, as I kissed the Doctor's cheek. I walked away leaving him in the console room.

Doctor's POV

My cheek hurt, my eyes went wide when I felt Rose's lips on my cheek. I blushed, and reached my hand out for her as she walked away. I wonder where she had went, it was very awkward talking with jackie. She didn't understand anything, I was talking about.

I guess I was used to the feeling anyway. But Rose always knew, she always understood to the best of her ability. That's what I loved her for, I loved everything about her.

Why has she been so distant lately? Something was wrong, but what. I walked to her room as I heard her crying. I opened the door to see my lovely Rose. She was crying into a teddy bear, that looked an awful lot like me.

Her grip on the bear was like a vice. I walked over and sat down, her body went still. I placed my hand on her back, as I gently rubbed my hand up and down. She curled up more, as the bear was shoved into her chest leaving it hidden.

I pulled her up onto my lap, and lightly kissed her head.

"What's wrong Rose?" I ask gently. She just sniffled through her sobs. I held her tighter.

"I'm here, I got you." I cooed as I tucked a blanket around us. She looked up at me, and just nodded into my shoulder.

"Is this supposed to be me?" I question as I tugged on the bears ear. She just shrunk down and buried her face into the bear.

"So this is what you got when you left earlier. I'm quite certain I would have saw this before," I laugh.

Rose just cuddled the bear, as her arm wrapped around my torso.

"Rose, tell me what's wrong." I motioned while I buried my head into her hair.

"It said I was going to die." She whimpered. My hearts shattered, my love was so scared. She wanted my reassurance, she was also to scared to ask me to help. She wanted to be hugged, and cuddled. So she used a teddy bear, knowing she was to scared to confront me.

"If I do say so myself, I love the gesture. But I rather you snuggle with me than a stuffed version of myself." I laughed.

I carried her to my room as I snuggled us under the covers. I lightly moved the bear, she was reluctant to let me take it from her. As soon as It was out of her arms, she had me trapped against her.

I chuckled lightly, as my head was against her neck. I rubbed her back, and kissed her neck lightly.

"I will always be your teddy bear, I promise." I promised her, I would protect my love, I wouldn't let her die in battle. I promised her forever.

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