Watch me bleed

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Rose's POV

This wasn't the Doctor, I know it's not my Doctor. They had gotten to his head, he wasn't in control; couldn't he fight the mind control? He couldn't get Cassandra out of his head, I guess this time is no different. Those dark eyes were far different from the Doctor's. Those chaos filled eyes where also filled with mischief, I've seen the Doctor's eyes when he became the oncoming storm, but this wasn't it.

He gripped my arm tightly, pulling me against him while his other hand wielded a knife which impaled my torso. He almost seemed so pleased with the act, as he slowly pulled the object back letting me fall limp into his arms.

"Any thing to say to your dear companion?" a voice said over the intercom, a chuckle in his voice. The Doctor shook his head and dropped me to the floor, proceeding to walk away. The room was dead silent, but ever step he took felt like a bomb to my ears.

"The silence keeps it easy, keeps you safe for the moment. As you're walking away your footsteps get louder. All you needed was time, But now time will destroy us."

My head limply fell to the side, as I could see the Doctor reach for the door but it wouldn't open. It was obvious he was getting frustrated, as he yanked the doorknob repeatedly.

"I killed the human now let me leave!" He shouted.

"She's not dead yet, but personally it's fun to watch the pathetic thing bleed out. So Doctor why don't you enjoy the show?" The voice insisted.

"It will all be over, and here we are, we're stuck inside this salted earth together. You'll pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb, as my colors fade out. You watch me bleed, you watch me bleed."

He chuckled walking back over and squatting to my level, tracing his finger over the blood which slipped from my mouth, before licking it with a laugh.

"I gave you everything to die with a smile, all you wanted was to live for a while. You took everything but it left you empty, you can't replace me, you can't."

I couldn't help but cry, how would the Doctor react once he returns to his normal self? He will hate himself, my poor Doctor will be far more shattered than he's already been. I will never blame him for my death, because I love him and I know how hard he will take the fall once it's over.

"It's almost over, and here we are, stuck inside this salted earth together. You'll pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb, as my colors fade out. You watch me bleed, you watch me bleed."

The Doctor continued to chuckle, wiping the tears from my eyes. He shook his head, a sinister smile on his face.

"You silly little ape, did you think I could ever love you?" He taunted, something in his eyes looked different now. As if he was trying desperately to fight back what he was doing to no avail.

"It will all be over, and here we are. We'll die inside this salted earth together. You'll pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb, as my colors fade out. You watch me bleed, you watch me bleed. You watch me bleed, you watch me bleed."

My hand trembled, as I rested it upon his face.

"Pitiful," He grinned, his hand covering mine. The darkness hardening in his eyes, almost leaving them black.


"Watch me bleed."

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now