Taking back what is mine

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Doctor's POV

I stiffened through the hug, I wanted to scream this is wrong. This was my Rose but she wasn't in control, these weren't her actions, and these weren't her words. She giggled, but the undertone was wrong; they were using her against me in the worst way possible.

But there was no reason for it, it was only this one using her; only this one trying to get closer to me? Last time anything like this happened was with Lady Cassandra, and I didn't like the idea of Rose having to go through this again.

"Get out of her," I warn. Holding her so she couldn't get away, there no telling what she would do to, or with Rose while in her body. Her eyes meeting mine, a look of challenge and a mockery was all that reflected in them.

"Why?" she asked in a breathy tone, her hand's finding my heart's and slowly sliding up until they were in my nape.

"This body belong's to Rose Tyler, now get out of my companion." I order, but a mischievous and amused glint takes form in her eyes.

"Oh I see," She draws out mockingly. Before she rises on her feet, getting level with my ear. "You especially don't want me here since she's your companion; meaning this body very much belongs to you."

My chest tightened in anger, she couldn't possibly know how true that accusation was.

"Did I strike a nerve Doctor?" she laughed, before resting her head against my chest.

"Very much so," I chuckle darkly, burying my face into her shoulder. Her body went still but relaxed quickly as she regained her composure.

"You truly are quite protective of your pet," she point's out sounding as if she was almost impressed in a way.

"She's not my pet, she means much more to me than that; but I will say this, I do not take kindly when someone takes something that belongs to me." I continue feeling the oncoming storm brewing.

"I didn't take her, you're holding her now, this very moment Doctor," She taunted.

"Body isn't everything," I growl. Earning a laugh from her, "With comments like that the girls must all love you,"

"Who are you? You seem to know me very well," I ask, lifting her head.

"Apparently Rose Tyler at the moment." She replied without a second thought.

"Just because you're in her doesn't mean you're her," I nearly shout. As soon as I did this I could see she knew exactly what she could do to get a reaction. She flinched, her eyes getting teary and she nodded.

"Don't you dare pull that card," I warn, she was going to do whatever she could to hurt me like this. Rose's crying hurt a lot, but her being scared of me was heart wrenching, and that's exactly what the alien was going for. I picked her up easily, opening the TARDIS doors, before setting her on the captain's chair.

The TARDIS flashed her lights in warning and alarm, furious at the alien who hold's our Rose captive in her own body. My eyes left her for a second, but returned when I heard her struggling. The TARDIS had handcuffed her to the railing, as she whined in protest acting afraid.

"Doctor help me, stop, why are you doing this?" She repeated crying into her hand's.

I crouched in front of her, knowing it was so wrong to go into my companion's mind without her consent. But it was the only way to set her free.

"I will ask you one more time, give her back to me." I whisper. Holding her face in my hands, but she smiled and laughed shaking her head no. My thumbs reached her temples as I entered her mind. I instantly bombarded the extra essence forcing her out, and ran to a shut door where Rose's mind was pounding at the other side.

I opened it easily, as my thumbs fell from her temples. Rose looked up with admiration, the TARDIS then jerked sending the unwelcome alien out the doors before shutting. Rose was now freed from the cuffs, as she hugged me tightly.

"Hello." she giggled, her voice back to its normal caring self.

"Hello!" I beam, smiling widely at her. She blushed, hiding her face into my shoulder as I held her protectively.

"Hey Doctor, if I am truly yours you better be mine too." she says shyly, looking up at me. I nod, "You had me since the day I took your and said run." I point out before kissing her forehead, and holding my Rose tightly.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now