It's deceiving me and won't stop.

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Rose's POV

My eyes wearily opened, as I was carefully enveloped in a satisfying hug. The Doctor held on tightly,  running his hands through my hair.  My head ached loudly, causing me to tremble. No it can't be coming back.

"Rose love you alright?"  The Doctor asked, springing up beside me. 

"Yea just a headache," I sigh. Nuzzling into his neck. 

"You sure?" He asks, kissing and nuzzling my temple.

"Yea..." I murmur, muffled by his neck. 

"Doesn't it feel as if it worked once more wolf? Come to me, I promise you will never be alone. My words are promise, my words are law; come now dear wolf, I won't let you fall." A sing-song voice cheered, sending shivers up my spine.

"No, it can't be back," The Doctor stuttered, sensing something familiar.  

"Rose, what's it saying? Rose, what is it saying? Rose!"  He begs, shaking my shoulders lightly. I shook it off, burying myself back into his arms.

"I don't know," I whimpered. He held on tightly, "Rose, I can't help you if you don't bloody tell me!" He cried.  

"Young wolf pup, won't you learn to run. Your pack leader will leave you once more; I can promise you will never have to hide away anymore."

"Rose, What is it saying?" The Doctor pleaded. "I love you way to much to watch you suffer! Tell me Rose; I promise I can stop it, please just tell me what it's saying?"  The Doctor pleaded, holding my face in his hands.

His eyes where a serious cold, old and almost agonizingly hurt. Tears fell freely, as his hands went to my temple. 

"Please let me see," He whispered, kissing my forehead.


I shut my eyes, feeling the Doctor's presence and something more in my head was an odd feeling. In a large whoosh all those messages before came back to me in a flash, hot rage came from the Doctor. His hands retreated, causing me to wearily open my eyes.

"I won't leave you again like that," he stated, eyes dark. "You believe me don't you?" The Doctor asked, sounding so unsure of himself.

"Yeah," I whimpered. He held on to me tightly, let me teach you to make a barrier. They're getting into your head, and you can't protect yourself from that. It's how they're getting to you, so focus. Keep something, anything that is made only by your mind to yourself. Shut every door, close every vault, and lock them to everyone but you." The Doctor instructed.

I nodded, listening to the warm hum of the TARDIS. Closing all doors, and locking some which I never opened after they where built.  The Doctor's head fell to my shoulder, holding tightly.

"Do you know who's doing it?" I ask, my voice shaking lightly.  

"Yea, but you don't need to know. Let me handle that," He spoke, burying his face into my collar.

"Why can't I know?" I question. "The more you know, the easier it will be for whom to hurt you." He quickly replied. I nodded, running my hands through his hair.

"Why do they want the wolf? Why do they want me?" I corrected, feeling the Doctor go tense in my grasp.

"Are you the wolf?" He asks, "Was it always you?"

His voice was scared, and shaken. The true voice of uncertainty, and a past feeling of remorse he couldn't quite place.

"I guess I wouldn't know, I mean until I look into the TARDIS again..." I murmur.

"You're not," The Doctor states firmly, "That's giving them what they want, and you may die because of it."

"I won't," I lie, knowing It would give me answers to the questions I've always been asking. I knew the voices wouldn't stop, the beast knew it was working. Who else would have called me the valiant child? Sadly enough, this wolf was gone. 

Now being separated from the Doctor by a parallel wall.

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