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Rose's POV

I followed the Doctors movements through the maze. My hand was tangled with his, as he frantically ran. His hand dropped mine, as he tugged his hair with frustration.

"This way." He barked, obviously not to happy at the situation. The Doctor ran off as I chased him, I soon felt a rag around my mouth as I was pulled from the path.

I struggled as my mind was dazed, and the world was an ongoing blur. I squirmed and struggled at the opposing force. Doctor help, no he will come and save me. The world soon blacked out as I did.

Doctor's POV

This was why I hate sundays. Rose and I were lost as some creatures I've never even seen before were coming after us. They seemed to know what I was, but they seemed more determined to take Rose.

I growled in frustration, "This way." My lovely flower was quick to follow. It seemed as if we've been running for a good hour. I ran into a dead end, as I turned fear trembled my body. Rose wasn't behind me.

"Rose!" I yelled. I ran back, I turned every corner we had been. No where, my pink and yellow human was no where. She either was caught, or got lost herself. Even if she was lost, they had the chance of finding her. My brain stirred, it was the TARDIS's was of telling me something was wrong.

I knew now, that my Rose was caught. It was now my turn, I was the Doctor. "Never crude nor cowardly. Never give in. Never give up." I breathed. I can only hope that they haven't hurt her, it hurt not knowing their intentions toward her.

Rose was so fragile, but if tested, she could put up a rather good fight. Her personality was just as her name depicted. The thing that hurt most was that she was mine, and yet she wasn't safe in my arms.

It was Rose, something always brought us together. I knew I would use that to my advantage.

Rose's POV

I woke up, as my vision was cut off by a blindfold. I squirmed as my hands and legs were tied, It felt as if my circulation was being cut off. I tried to squeak, when I realized a muzzle was on my mouth as if I was a dog.

The ground beneath me, as I lied down was wood, no where closed to sanded. I rubbed my head against the ground as the blindfold fell off. I wanted to scream, I was in a cargo crate. There was nearly no extra space to move. I'm not really claustrophobic, but this was to small for almost anyones standards.

I whimpered but the muzzle, blocked out even the smallest of squeaks. It felt as if we were moving, I was so terribly confused. My mind was still a mess, as my feelings were stripped of hope.

Doctor, I needed the Doctor. It was all so cliché but it was true. I squirmed as my skin scratched the surface of the wood. It stung as my skin splintered and bled. I let my tears fall, as I wanted to curl up into a ball.

I of course couldn't do that either, my skin was already scraped and bruising at every inch I moved. The noise, that beautiful noise of hope alarmed me. The Doctor was here. The TARDIS's wheezing had made my despair disappear.

I struggled harder, not caring at the pain that was rubbing my shoulders and legs.

"Where is she?" The Doctor shouted, as I heard a timid reply.


"Rose Tyler! Thats who. Don't you dare play dumb with me." He roared.

I heard a whimper and running, everything went still. As everything went silent. I struggled more causing the box to move an inch.

Doctor's POV

I pulled the key from my hand after aimless hours of searching. The wheezing sounded my ears, I was going to find my Rose. I ran into the TARDIS as I checked her link with Rose's. I had found were my companion resided.

I opened the doors, we were on a cargo ship. A man sat on a chair as he stared at me in shock.

"Where is she?" I shouted, the man shook and his voice trembled, "Who?"

"Rose Tyler! Thats who. Don't you dare play dumb with me." I threatened. The man whimpered and ran away. I stood still as I wondered where my Rose could be.

I saw a box move, my body stiffened. My Rose was locked in crate, and if it wasn't her. There was still someone locked in a small box. I had the worst feeling, it was my Rose.

I ran to the box, as I nearly tore the sonic from my pockets. I scanned the corners as the topped popped off. My lovely Rose, crammed and retrained, as I saw her tears.

My actions were vigorous as I pulled her body into mine. I held her head to my shoulder, her skin bruised and bloody. I picked her up as I ran her into the TARDIS, away from further harm.

I ran her into the medical bay, as the TARDIS moved us into the time-vortex. I lifted her head, as her eyes were watering. My hearts shattered at the muzzle over her face.

"Oh Rose," I sighed, kissing her forehead. I lightly tugged at the bonds. Ive never seen any like these. Even the sonic was useless against them. Her eyes filled with fright.

"We will get them off, I promise." I cooed. I then patched her wounds, as she whimpered at the sting. They seemed like whimpers, that is. I stared at the bonds, they were far to tight. Her skin was growing pale, loosing her normal blood-flow.

I ran up as I grabbed a box opener, It wasn't the safest but I had to get theses off, and now. She lightly jumped back, I pulled her into my lap. Her head placed into my shoulder, as I carefully cut the bonds.

Her legs were now free, along with her arms. Now time for the muzzle. She pushed me back, all to scared. I don't blame her, I would be a little afraid if someone was going to cut something off my face with a box opener.

"I promise not to cut you, just lay back. Don't move." I promise her. She does as told and lays back. I began cutting off the the muzzle as her eyes shut tightly. It fell off her features, and she hugged me tightly. Her lips on mine, they were so cold and fragile.

I wrapped her in my arms, as I fastened her lips to mine, so they couldn't get away from me. I whipped her tears away, as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I love you so much Doctor." She cried. My hearts skipped their beats as I blurted, "I bloody love you too." I ran my fingers through her hair, as I kissed her lightly bruised temple.

"I'm so so sorry." I whispered into her hair. She just nodded into my neck. I had my lovely flower in my arms once again. I had my flower in my so called garden the TARDIS. Where I would shower her with the right amount of rain and sunshine.

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